My Name is Lesallan, and this is my story – Written this 13th day of November 2023

Hi, everyone. My name is Lesallan, and this is my blog. Today, I want to share my thoughts and experiences about living in Aurora, Missouri, in an apartment building with people from different generations. I hope you enjoy reading it, and feel free to comment below.

I moved to Aurora about three years ago after starting college. I was looking for a place that was affordable, safe, and close to any job. I found a lovely two-bedroom apartment in a building that had been partially renovated recently. It was very spacious, and it had everything I needed: a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room, and a patio. I was happy with my choice and eager to start my new life.

One of the things that surprised me the most about living in this building was the diversity of the residents. There were people of all ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles. Some were young professionals like me, some were retired seniors, some were families with kids, some were students, some were immigrants, and some were locals. They all had their own stories, dreams, challenges, and joys.

I soon realized that living in this building was not just about renting a space but also about being part of a community. A community that was friendly, supportive, and respectful. A community that celebrated diversity and embraced differences. A community that learned from each other and helped each other.

I learned a lot from my neighbors. I learned about their cultures, their histories, their hobbies, their passions, and their opinions. I learned about the struggles they faced and the achievements they accomplished. I learned about the wisdom they gained and the lessons they taught.

I also shared a lot with my neighbors. I shared my stories, goals, fears, and hopes. I shared my skills, talents, resources, and time. I shared my laughter, tears, gratitude, and love.

Living in this building has enriched my life in many ways. It has made me more open-minded, compassionate, curious, and adventurous. It has given me new perspectives, insights, opportunities, and friends. It has shown me the beauty of diversity and the power of unity.

However, living in an apartment also has its challenges. Sometimes, it can be noisy, crowded, or inconvenient. Sometimes, there can be conflicts, misunderstandings, or disagreements. Sometimes, there can be maintenance, security, or management issues.

I have learned to cope with these challenges by being flexible, patient, and respectful. I have learned to communicate, listen actively, and compromise pretty. I have learned to appreciate what I have, respect what others have, and contribute what I can.

Living in this building has taught me a lot about myself and others. It has taught me how to live with diversity and harmony. It has taught me how to balance independence and interdependence. It has taught me how to be good neighbors and citizens.

I am proud to be part of this community. I am proud to live in Aurora. I am proud to tell you my story.
