Athanasius – On the Incarnation of the Word

This essay explores Athanasius’s seminal work, “On the Incarnation of the Word,” in which he presents a compelling defense of Christ’s incarnation against the skepticism of fourth-century non-believers. Athanasius’s arguments remain relevant to the 21st-century church, addressing fundamental Christian beliefs about the nature of God, the purpose of Christ’s incarnation, and the meaning of His resurrection.

In his work “On the Incarnation of the Word, ” Athanasius, the esteemed bishop of Alexandria,” elucidates why God chose to approach his fallen people in human form. He contends, “The death of all was consummated in the Lord’s body; yet, because the Word was in it, death and corruption were in the same act utterly abolished” (Rogers, 2018). This statement encapsulates the paradox of the Incarnate, which Athanasius resolves by relying heavily on both Scripture and the teachings of the early Church.

Athanasius’s treatise also portrays God’s love as personified by Christ. He posits that God introduced Christ into this world to save humankind from themselves, as free will often leads many to sin. Athanasius asserts that ‘the word’ would restore human beings to their original pure nature. He further contends that God brought ‘the word’ to prove that He is the true and only God. By resurrecting after death, Christ demonstrated the existence of one powerful and living God, and by dying on the cross for human beings, ‘the word’ proved that God’s love was real.

Athanasius’s arguments remain pertinent to the 21st-century church as they address fundamental Christian beliefs about the nature of God, the purpose of Christ’s incarnation, and the meaning of His resurrection. His defense of the incarnation provides a theological foundation for understanding the nature of Christ, which is central to Christian worship and practice.

Athanasius’s arguments can serve as a valuable resource for Christians seeking to understand and articulate their faith in an era of skepticism and secularism. His emphasis on God’s love, as demonstrated through Christ’s incarnation and sacrifice, can inspire contemporary Christians to live out their faith in a way that reflects this divine love.

Moreover, Athanasius’s treatise can guide the church in addressing modern challenges. For instance, his discussion on free will and sin can inform conversations around moral and ethical issues. His assertion that Christ came to restore humans to their original pure nature can offer hope and motivation for personal transformation and social change.

In summary, Athanasius’ “On the Incarnation of the Word” not only provides profound insights into the nature and work of Christ but also offers timeless wisdom that can guide the 21st-century church in its mission and ministry.


Rogers, B. (2018). Chapter 1: Creation and the Fall.

References: Rogers, B. (2018). Chapter 1: Creation and the Fall.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

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