Written by Lesallan – March 19, 2024

Ohio Christian University

LDR3200 Organizational Leadership (ONLSP24)

Dr. James G. Leak III

March 19, 2024

Authentic Leadership and Its Impact in the Workplace

Northouse (2016) has introduced the concept of authentic leadership, a relatively new area of research that responds to the growing need for ethical and truthful leaders in society. This leadership style is distinguished by five fundamental elements: purpose, values, relationship-building, self-discipline, and heart. Individuals embody authentic leadership, possess a clear sense of purpose, abide by strong moral values, cultivate meaningful relationships, exercise self-control, and view people holistically.

Through my own experiences, I have witnessed the profound impact of authentic leadership in the workplace. There was a particular instance where our team leader exemplified the principles of authentic leadership. With a clear sense of purpose, she effectively communicated the team’s goals to each member, ensuring everyone understood their role in achieving them. Her values were apparent in her actions; she consistently made ethical decisions that served the team’s best interests. She fostered strong relationships with each team member, creating a culture of trust and collaboration. Her dedication to the team’s success was evident in her self-discipline and strong work ethic. Above all, she demonstrated genuine compassion by treating each team member as an individual with their unique needs and circumstances in mind.

The implementation of genuine leadership significantly influenced the team, resulting in a constructive work atmosphere where each member felt appreciated and inspired to give their all. The team’s productivity increased, allowing us to reach our objectives more efficiently and proficiently.

When viewed through a Christian lens, authentic leadership closely mirrors the teachings of Jesus Christ. The life and ministry of Christ serve as an example of authentic leadership, characterized by a clear sense of purpose, unwavering moral principles, strong relationships with followers, disciplined execution of His mission, and genuine compassion for humanity. As such, authentic leadership fosters a productive and favorable workplace environment and embodies the core values and beliefs of the Christian faith.

Upon conducting a self-assessment, it was determined that my self-awareness is strong, as evidenced by a score of 16. This score indicates a keen understanding of personal strengths, weaknesses, and values. However, there is room for improvement in areas such as internalized moral perspectives, balanced processing, and relational transparency, with respective scores of 13, 12, and 13. Addressing these areas will enhance my ability to lead with authenticity.

To sum up, genuine leadership is of the utmost importance when it comes to establishing a favorable and efficient work environment. It encourages reliance, cooperation, and drive amongst colleagues, thereby enhancing team achievements. Additionally, it coincides with Christian principles, making it an appealing leadership approach for those who follow a Christian perspective.




Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice (7th ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.