Written By Lesallan – 09/15/2023.

Between Study and Education, Where Does a Single Guy Find Time for Life?

Written By Lesallan – 09/15/2023.

Hey, what’s up, everyone? Welcome to my blog, where I share my thoughts on life, love, and everything in between. Today, I want to discuss a question that has been bothering me for a while: between study and education, where does a single guy find time for life?

You see, I am a student at a prestigious university, pursuing a degree in a field that I am passionate about. I love learning new things and expanding my horizons. Nevertheless, I also must work hard to keep up with the academic demands and expectations. I spend hours in the library, the lab, the classroom, and at home, studying, researching, writing, and revising. I have deadlines to meet, exams to ace, papers to publish, and projects to complete. I am not complaining, mind you. I know I am lucky to have this opportunity and I am grateful for it. However, sometimes, I wonder if there is more to life than this.

Please do not misunderstand me; I have friends, hobbies, and interests outside of school. I like to hang out with my buddies, watch movies, play video games, listen to music, read books, and so on. Nevertheless, I mostly do these things alone or with people in the same situation as me. What I am missing is a romantic partner, someone who can share my joys and sorrows, someone who can make me laugh and smile, someone who can challenge me and inspire me, someone who can love me and be loved by me.

Nevertheless, how do I find such a person? Where do I look? How do I approach them? How do I make time for them? How do I balance my studies and my relationships? These are questions that haunt me every day. I know there are millions of single people out there who are looking for love, just like me. But it seems like they have more options and opportunities than me. They have more time and freedom to go out and socialize, meet new people, try new things, date, flirt, and have fun. They have more confidence and charisma to attract and impress potential partners. They have more experience and skills to handle the ups and downs of romance.

I feel like I am missing out on a vital part of life, something everyone else seems to have or aspires to have. I feel stuck in a rut, doing the same thing repeatedly without any excitement or variation. I feel like I am wasting my youth, my prime years, on something that may not even pay off in the end. What if I graduate with honors but end up alone? What if I get a great job but have no one to share it with? What if I achieve all my goals but have no one to celebrate with?

I do not want to sound bitter or pessimistic. I know there are many benefits and rewards of studying and education. I know many people would kill for the chance to be in my position. I know many people are happy and fulfilled without a partner. Furthermore, I know many people find love later in life or unexpected ways. Nevertheless, right now, at this moment, I cannot help but feel lonely and frustrated. Between study and education, where does a single guy find time for life?

Written By Lesallan on September 15, 2023