Christian Experience Reflection
Written by Lesallan
Ohio Christian University
THE3360 Theology of John Wesley (ONLSP24)
Dr. Steven Gerig
January 15, 2024
Christian Experience Reflection
John Wesley’s sermon “Circumcision of the Heart” (The Wesley Center Online, 1993) delves into the true meaning of Christianity. According to Wesley, Christianity is not just about following external rules, but undergoing an internal transformation. He describes the circumcision of the heart as “a right state of soul, a mind and spirit renewed after the image of Him that created it” (The Wesley Center Online, 1993). Wesley emphasizes that this inner change is made possible by the Holy Spirit, who helps us to love God and our neighbors. He also warns against the dangers of hypocrisy, self-righteousness, and formalism, which can hinder our spiritual growth. Wesley notes, “The form of godliness may be without the power thereof; yea, and often is in every age and nation” (The Wesley Center Online, 1993).
Wesley’s sermon remains a valuable and relevant guide for Christians striving to follow Jesus faithfully in the modern era. Our world is filled with distractions, temptations, and conflicts that can easily lead us astray from God’s will. Additionally, we may feel pressure to conform to cultural standards that do not align with God’s values and purposes, and we may be tempted to rely on our own abilities, achievements, or traditions rather than on God’s grace and power. Therefore, it is essential to regularly examine our hearts and ask God to search us and know us (Psalm 139:23-24, KJV), repent of our sins, and seek God’s cleansing and renewal through His Spirit (1 John 1:9, KJV). Maintaining a personal relationship with God through prayer, worship, and studying His word is also crucial (John 15:4-5, KJV). Furthermore, we must demonstrate our love for God by loving our neighbors as ourselves, particularly those who are in need, oppressed, or marginalized (Matthew 25:31-46, KJV). As Wesley aptly put it, “do good unto all men; friends or enemies; good or bad; as we have opportunity” (The Wesley Center Online, 1993).
The sermon delivered by Wesley serves as a reminder that Christianity is not solely based on rules, rituals, or ceremonies. Instead, it is founded upon the principles of love, faith, and obedience, which require individuals to seek the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, as stated in Mark 12:30 (KJV). It also calls upon believers to serve as witnesses of God in the world, as highlighted in Acts 1:8 (KJV). The sermon emphasizes the joy and peace of being reconciled to God and His people, as expounded in Romans 5:1-2 (KJV). Furthermore, it urges individuals to participate in the mission of transforming the world by God’s grace and truth, as stated in Matthew 28:18-20 (KJV). Wesley concludes his sermon with a prayer: “O grant that we may all receive the promise of the Father; that he may circumcise our hearts; that we may love him with all our hearts” (The Wesley Center Online, 1993).
In essence, John Wesley’s sermon, “Circumcision of the Heart” (The Wesley Center Online, 1993), provides timeless guidance for Christians traversing the intricacies of modern-day faith. Its emphasis on internal transformation, fueled by the Holy Spirit, over external compliance is paramount. Wesley’s teachings implore us to regularly introspect, foster a personal relationship with God, and exhibit kindness to all as a reflection of our love for Him. His sermon accentuates that Christianity is not about rituals or ceremonies, but a devotion of love, faith, and obedience to God. It beckons us to relish the bliss of reconciliation with God and partake in His mission of transforming the world. As Wesley prayed, may we all receive the promise of the Father, have our hearts circumcised, and love Him with all our hearts. This reflection acts as a reminder of the true essence of Christianity and the road to follow Jesus in fidelity.
The Wesley Center Online. (1993). The Wesley Center Online: Sermon 17 – The Circumcision Of The Heart. Wesley.nnu.edu. http://wesley.nnu.edu/john-wesley/the-sermons-of-john-wesley-1872-edition/sermon-17-the-circumcision-of-the-heart/