Lesallan – October 21, 2023

Church Case Study Reflection
Lesallan Bostron
Ohio Christian University
THE4050 Investigating Christian Theology II (ONLF23)
Professor Jeremy Kamer
October 21, 2023
Church Case Study Reflection
The church is not only a building or an organization but also a community of people who share a common faith in Jesus Christ. It represents the body of Christ and is a visible expression of his presence and mission in the world. The church is also known as the bride of Christ and is the object of his love and covenant partner. It is the dwelling place of God’s presence and power, known as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, the church is the family of God and a community of his children who are adopted and heirs of his promises.
I theologically understand the reality of the church as a gift and a calling from God. The church is a gift because it is not something we create or deserve but something God graciously gives us through his Son and his Spirit. The church is a calling because it is not something we join or belong to but something we participate in and contribute to. The church is a gift and a calling that requires our response of faith, love, and obedience.
I think at least three ethical imperatives flow from this theological position: First, to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This means to worship him in spirit and truth, to obey his commands, to seek his will, to honor his name, and to glorify him in everything we do. Second, to love one another as Christ loved us. This means to serve one another in humility and grace, to bear one another’s burdens, to forgive one another’s sins, to encourage one another’s growth, to edify one another’s gifts, and to share one another’s joys and sorrows. Third, to love our neighbors as ourselves. This means reaching out to them with compassion and kindness, proclaiming the good news of salvation, inviting them into the church’s fellowship, caring for their physical and spiritual needs, and seeking justice and peace for them.
To show my reasoning as I wrestle with the Biblical and theological data, I try to base my understanding on God’ revelation in Scripture, God’s inspired and authoritative Word. I try to interpret Scripture in its historical and literary context, using sound principles of exegesis and hermeneutics. I try to consult the tradition of the church, which is the faithful witness of the saints throughout history. I try to engage with the culture of the world, which is the common ground and the mission field for the church. I try to listen to the voice of the Spirit, who guides us into all truth and convicts us of sin.