Written By Lesallan – October 10, 2023

Devotional – Believers in the Union in Christ

Lesallan Bostron

Ohio Christian University

THE4050 Investigating Christian Theology II (ONLF23)

Professor Jeremy Kamer

October 10, 2023

Devotional – Believers in the Union in Christ

The believer’s union in Christ is a theological concept that describes the relationship between those who have faith in Jesus Christ and their Lord. According to this doctrine, believers are united with Christ in His death, resurrection, and Ascension and share in His benefits and blessings. The union also implies a mutual indwelling of Christ and the believers and a spiritual connection among all the members of the body of Christ, the church. The union is not based on human merit or good works but on God’s grace and love. The union is not a temporary or conditional state, but an eternal and secure reality for those in Christ.

The theological concept of the believer’s union with Christ has challenges in the contemporary world. These challenges include the pluralism and relativism of modern culture, the influence of secular humanism and naturalism, the rise of individualism and consumerism, and the decline of church attendance and Biblical literacy. These factors can undermine the faith and commitment of believers, as well as their sense of identity and belonging in Christ. They can also create divisions and conflicts among Christians with different interpretations and expressions of their union with Christ. Therefore, believers need to understand and appreciate the Biblical basis, historical development, and the practical implications of their union with Christ and to seek ways to live out this union in their personal and communal lives.

The concept of the believer’s union with Christ has profound implications for my personal life. What it means to me is that I am not alone, but am part of a larger family of God that spans across time and space. It means that I am not my own but belong to Christ, who loves me and gave Himself for me. It means that I am not hopeless, but have a glorious future and a living hope in Christ, who is coming again. It means that I am not powerless, but have the Holy Spirit who dwells in me and empowers me to live godly. It means that none of us are aimless, but all have a purpose and a calling to serve God and His kingdom. Therefore, to apply this concept to me, I do this by trusting in Christ, abiding in Him, obeying Him, loving Him, and following Him.

Many Blessings as we sojourn through this thing called life and responsibility and our educational pursuits. The Bible teaches us that life is a gift from God and that we should use it wisely and faithfully. It also tells us that we are strangers and pilgrims on this earth and that we should seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. One way to do that is to pursue our academic goals with diligence and excellence if they are aligned with God’ will and purpose for us. We should not neglect our responsibility to love God and our neighbor and to serve others with our talents and abilities. We should also remember that God is with us in every situation and will guide and help us through His Word and Spirit.

Therefore, a written word to all go forth and conquer on your journeys, and may you be blessed with success and fulfillment at every step.
