Devotional – Saul’s Conversion
Written By Lesallan
Ohio Christian University
THE4050 Investigating Christian Theology II (ONLF23)
Professor Jeremy Kamer
October 19, 2023
Devotional – Saul’s Conversion
The story of Saul’s conversion is one of the Bible’s most dramatic and decisive moments. It shows us how God can transform anyone, even the most hardened enemy of the gospel, into a faithful servant and witness. Saul was on his way to Damascus to arrest and persecute the followers of Jesus, but he encountered the risen Lord himself, who stopped him in his tracks and challenged him to change his course. Saul was blinded by the light and humbled by the voice of Jesus, who asked why he was persecuting Him. Saul realized he was hurting Christ Himself by hurting the Christians and surrendered to His authority. He obeyed Jesus’ command to enter the city and await further instructions. He was led by the hand of his companions, who were amazed and terrified by what had happened.
This passage teaches us several lessons about God’s grace and power. First, it shows us that no one is beyond God’s reach or too far gone for His mercy. God can save anyone, no matter how sinful or hostile they are. He can turn their hearts and minds around and give them a new purpose and direction. Second, it shows us that God can use anyone for His glory and mission. He can turn our weaknesses, failures, and mistakes into strengths, victories, and testimonies. He can use our past experiences, good or bad, to help others who are going through similar situations. Third, it shows us that God can surprise us with His plans and ways. He can do things that we never expected or imagined. He can intervene in our lives at unexpected times and places. He can speak to us through different means and methods. He can challenge us to step out of our comfort zones and follow Him wherever he leads.
I remember a time when I felt like Saul. I was angry at God and his people. I thought they were wrong and misguided. I wanted nothing to do with them. I was living for myself and my own pleasures. But then God showed up in my life in a way I could not ignore. He spoke to me through a friend (an organization – Families in Recovery) who invited me to church service. He touched me through a song (Third Day – I Need a Miracle) that moved me to tears. He convinced me through a flock of birds that blocked out the sun. He convinced me through a sermon that spoke to my heart. He called me to repent and believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He changed my life forever.
Let us pray that we will be open to God’s grace and power in our lives. Let us ask Him to transform us from the inside out and make us more like Jesus. Let us trust Him to use us for His glory and mission in the world. Moreover, let us be ready to encounter Him in surprising and wonderful ways. We must remember that the church draws its life and mission from Jesus, making it a unique entity in the world.
Many blessings as we sojourn through this thing called life,