Ohio Christian University

THE2300 Historical Theology (ONLSP242)

Dr. Trent Lambert

May 21, 2024

Devotional – Studying Church History

Studying church history will help me understand the past better. I can learn from the successes and failures of those who came before me in their faith journeys, which provides valuable teachings and perspectives. Church history is important for understanding the context of scriptures and doctrines. It helps me see how certain practices, traditions, and beliefs have evolved over time. Just as Paul used Israel’s history to help the Corinthians understand their place in God’s narrative, church history helps me understand my role in the broader Christian story. It reminds me that I am part of a larger spiritual family. Additionally, church history offers valuable insights for dealing with modern challenges by showing how past generations of believers responded to cultural shifts, political instability, and economic changes.

Studying church history is not just an academic exercise, but a practical tool for my faith journey. By learning from the successes and failures of past believers, I can navigate my own challenges more effectively. I can also better understand Christian doctrines, practices, and traditions and how they have evolved over time. Understanding the cultural impact of Christianity on society throughout history can help me see my faith in a broader context. By understanding the past and present, I can be better prepared for the future and gain insights into how to live as one of God’s people in a rapidly changing world. As I embark on this journey of studying church history, I must remember that I am not just studying the past. I am studying the living, breathing and story of God’s people, a story I am a part of.

Blessings In Christ,
