Lesallan – October 8, 2024

Devotional: The Spirit of Global Leadership

In the early days of the Christian church, the world was much smaller than we know it today. However, this scripture text from Acts (Acts 2:1-21, NSRV) illustrates a remarkable gathering of people from diverse corners of the world in Jerusalem for Pentecost. This moment can be seen as a pivotal instance of global leadership faced by early church leaders, as they navigated the challenge of uniting and communicating with individuals from various cultures and languages. It serves as a powerful example of the universal reach and the inclusive nature of the message they sought to share, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries. This event laid the foundation for the church’s mission to spread its message to all nations, emphasizing the importance of embracing diversity and fostering understanding among people of diverse backgrounds.

As I reflect on this passage, I am struck by the profound parallels between the disciples’ preparation and competencies and those required for global leadership today. The disciples, emboldened by the Holy Spirit, exemplified several key competencies that are indispensable for effective global leadership. Their unwavering commitment, resilience in the face of adversity, and most importantly, their ability to inspire and unite diverse individuals are not just historical anecdotes, but timeless attributes that resonate profoundly in the context of contemporary global leadership. Just as the disciples navigated complex societal challenges with wisdom and compassion, today’s leaders can draw inspiration from their example to address the multifaceted issues of our interconnected world.

The disciples’ proficiency in speaking different languages enabled them to engage with individuals from diverse cultural and societal backgrounds. This ability highlights the significance of cultural intelligence and adaptability for contemporary global leaders, as they must effectively navigate and communicate within varied cultural contexts. As noted by Loeb Leadership (2024), possessing cultural intelligence and adaptability is essential for leaders to maneuver through diverse cultural landscapes successfully.

Peter’s speech, delivered with inspiration from the Holy Spirit, offered an unclouded vision and inspired those in attendance. Contemporary global leaders must effectively communicate a compelling vision and motivate their teams to work towards shared objectives (Best Practice Institute, 2024).

The Holy Spirit played a crucial role in guiding the disciples’ behavior, ensuring that they maintained elevated ethical standards. This serves as a powerful example for leaders in the global business arena, highlighting the importance of adhering to ethical standards and upholding integrity. By doing so, leaders can foster trust among their teams and stakeholders, establishing credibility and promoting a positive organizational culture (Harvard Business Review, 2016).

Empowerment and collaboration are indispensable in global leadership. The disciples demonstrated the significance of empowering one another and effectively collaborating, highlighting the crucial nature of these competencies. Encouraging self-organization and fostering collaboration is essential for success in a global context, as emphasized by the Harvard Business Review (2016).

The disciples’ preparation and competencies align with the requirements for global leadership today. Through the Holy Spirit, the disciples were empowered to communicate across cultural boundaries, inspire others, maintain ethical standards, and collaborate effectively. These competencies remain crucial for contemporary leaders who must navigate the intricacies of a globalized world.

Reflecting on this passage, I am inspired by the disciples’ example. May I always seek to develop these competencies in my life, whether in ministry, business, or any other field. Let me strive to be a culturally intelligent, visionary, ethical, and collaborative leader empowered by the Spirit to positively impact our world. I hope this devotional inspires you to continue exploring faith and leadership.

In Christ Blessings,



Best Practice Institute. (2024). Developing global leadership competence.

Harvard Business Review. (2016). The most important leadership competencies, according to

leaders around the world. https://hbr.org/2016/03/the-most-important-leadership-competencies-according-to-leaders-around-the-world

Loeb Leadership. (2024). Navigating the global landscape: Essential competencies.



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