End of History – The Revealed Truth
Lesallan Bostron
Ohio Christian University
THE4050 Investigating Christian Theology II (ONLF23)
Professor Jeremy Kamer
October 25, 2023
End of History – The Revealed Truth
In Classic Christianity by Oden (2009), a significant emphasis is placed on the eschatological hope of the Christian faith. Oden asserts that the end of human history is not mere speculation but a revealed truth that shapes the present lives of believers. Using Biblical and patristic sources, he presents a comprehensive theology of the last things, including the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, the kingdom of God, and the new creation. Oden highlights that Christian hope is not grounded on human projections or fantasies but on the promises and deeds of God throughout history (Oden, 2009, p. 787).
In his exploration of living in light of the end, Oden delves into the ethical implications, emphasizing the importance of holiness, justice, and love. According to him, the Christian ethic is not merely a set of rules to follow but a response to God’s grace and love in Christ, who fulfilled the law and ushered in a new covenant (Oden, 2009, p. 811). Oden also asserts that the end of history is not a vague or indefinite future but a specific event that will occur at a particular time and place, which he refers to as “the day of the Lord.” Christ’s visible return will mark this day, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment of all people based on their deeds. Oden also believes that this day will usher in the consummation of God’s kingdom and the renewal of all creation (Oden, 2009, p. 819).
In his work, Oden (2009) delves into the theological intricacies surrounding the conclusion of history. He explores the nature and purpose of God’s judgment, the destiny of Israel and the church, the scope of salvation, and the relationship between human freedom and divine sovereignty. Oden engages with various historical perspectives and interpretations, evaluating them in light of scriptural and traditional teachings. Additionally, he cautions against common errors and distortions that have plagued eschatology, such as apocalypticism, millenarianism, universalism, and annihilationism. Ultimately, Oden urges Christians to avoid speculation and sensationalism and to focus instead on the essential truths revealed by God and confirmed by the church (Oden, 2009).
The church must rekindle its sense of hope for the end times. Throughout its history, the church has vacillated between a fixation on the second coming of Christ and a disregard for this doctrine. In the 20th century, eschatological speculation and sensationalism were overemphasized. However, in the 21st century, the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction. A disinterested attitude towards the Eschaton has replaced the study of prophecy and eschatology. A strong sense of hope for the end times is crucial for the church. It comforts persecuted Christians and balances those who have achieved material wealth and comfort in this life (Allen, 2016).
From a general and personal standpoint, I have explored the thought-provoking subject of eschatology, particularly emphasizing the “Hope of the Ages.” This study area investigates the ultimate destiny of humankind and the world and has been approached differently by various religious and philosophical traditions. The “Hope of the Ages” revolves around the conviction that God has a purpose for the future that will bring about justice, peace, and harmony for all creation. I have shared my reflections on how this hope influenced my worldview, ethics, and spirituality. Moreover, I have acknowledged the difficulties and queries that arise from this hope, including the problem of evil, diverse beliefs, and the uncertainty of the future. As a Christian, I derive comfort and inspiration from the words of Jesus: “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live” (John 11:25, NIV). I believe this exchange will continue stimulating your curiosity and desire for knowledge in this captivating and significant topic, both in your personal and academic pursuits.
Blessings In Christ,
Allen, J. K. (2016, March 28). Seven Theological Issues Confronting the Church – Jason K. Allen. Https://Jasonkallen.com/. https://jasonkallen.com/2016/03/seven-theological-issues-confronting-the-church/
Oden, T. C. (2009). Classic Christianity: a systematic theology. HarperOne.