Written by Lesallan – September 22, 2024

Exodus 33:12-23 (ESV): Detailed Analysis

Version: ESV

Initial Observations & Questions

  • The structural relationships within Exodus 33:12-23 (ESV) can be understood through the dialogue and thematic progression between Moses and God.
  • What are these relationships?
  • The dialogue and thematic progression between Moses and God are central to understanding this passage.
  • Why does Moses emphasize the importance of God’s presence?
  • Moses by himself speaks directly to God, expressing his concerns about leading the Israelites without God’s presence.
    • Why does Moses emphasize the importance of God’s presence?
  • What does this passage reveal about the nature of God’s relationship with Moses?


In Exodus 33:12-23 (ESV), we find a poignant moment in the larger narrative of Moses interceding for the Israelites following the golden calf incident. This passage beautifully illustrates the intimate relationship between Moses and God, as Moses pleads for God’s guidance and assurance as they continue their journey. It also serves as a powerful reminder of the profound necessity of God’s presence for the Israelites as they navigate the challenges and uncertainties of their journey. This passage reveals Moses’ deep faith and reliance on God and highlights the divine compassion and willingness to engage with humanity. The exchange between Moses and God in these verses showcases a profound example of spiritual leadership, faith, and the significance of seeking God’s presence in the midst of adversity, emphasizing the importance of faith and reliance on God.

The structural relationships within Exodus 33:12-23 (ESV) can be understood through the dialogue and thematic progression between Moses and God. In verses 12-14 (Exodus 33:12-14, ESV), Moses pleads for guidance and assurance, seeking confirmation of God’s presence and expressing his anxiety about leading without divine support. This highlights his dependence on God’s guidance to lead the people. In verses 15-17 (Exodus 33:15-17, ESV), Moses emphasizes the necessity of God’s presence for Israel’s identity and distinction among nations. God reassures Moses that His presence will accompany them, affirming His commitment to the people. Finally, in verses 18-23 (Exodus 33:18-23, ESV), Moses boldly requests to see God’s glory, seeking a deeper understanding of God’s nature. God agrees to reveal His goodness and proclaim His name but protects Moses from the full intensity of His glory, emphasizing His gracious and compassionate nature. These sections illustrate a progression from Moses’ intercession to God’s gracious response, culminating in a profound revelation of God’s character. The dialogue reflects a deepening relationship between Moses and God, marked by trust, assurance, and a desire for greater intimacy with the divine. This structure highlights the immediate concerns of leadership and guidance and points to the broader theological themes of God’s mercy, presence, and the unique relationship between God and Israel (Exodus 33:12-23, ESV).

I. Moses’ Plea for God’s Presence (Exodus 33:12-16, ESV)

A. Exodus (ESV) verses 33:12-13: Moses seeks the assurance of God’s presence and guidance.

B. Exodus (ESV) verses 33:14-16: God promises His presence, and Moses emphasizes the importance of this presence for distinguishing Israel from other nations.

II. God’s Revelation to Moses (Exodus 33:17-23, ESV)

  1. Exodus (ESV) verses 33:17-18: God agrees to Moses’ request, and Moses asks to see God’s glory.
  2. Exodus (ESV) verses 33:19-23: God reveals His goodness to Moses but explains that humans cannot see His full glory.

Words & Phrases

“Favor” (Exodus 33:12, ESV)

What does “favor” mean in this context?

Favor refers to God’s grace and approval. Despite their recent sin, Moses seeks assurance that he and Israel are still under God’s grace.

How does finding favor with God impact Moses’ leadership?

It reassures Moses of God’s support and guidance, which is essential for leading Israel.

What does the Hebrew word mean?

            The Hebrew word for “favor” is חֵן (chen), which means grace, favor, or kindness. In Exodus 33:12 (ESV), “favor” refers to God’s grace and approval. Despite their recent sin, Moses seeks assurance that he and Israel are still under God’s grace. Finding favor with God reassures Moses of God’s support and guidance, essential for leading Israel (Strong, 1890).

“Presence” (Exodus 33:14, 15, 19, ESV)

God’s presence is not just a mere presence, it signifies His guidance, protection, and blessing. It distinguishes Israel from other nations and assures them of His constant care and support.

            God’s presence signifies His guidance, protection, and blessing. It distinguishes Israel from other nations.

How does the promise of God’s presence affect Israel’s journey?

            It ensures their success and survival, reinforcing their identity as God’s chosen people.

What is the Hebrew word for “presence?

            Strong’s Concordance (1890) states that the Hebrew word for “presence” is פָּנִים (panim), which can mean face, presence, or person. God whose presence signifies His guidance, protection, and blessing. It distinguishes Israel from other nations. The Effect on Israel’s Journey: The promise of God’s presence ensures their success and survival, reinforcing their identity as God’s chosen people (Strong, 1890).

“Goodness” (Exodus 33:19, ESV)

What does “goodness” reveal about God’s character?

            It illuminates God’s boundless benevolence and mercy, revealing that His goodness is a fundamental aspect of His magnificent glory.

How is God’s goodness manifested to Moses?

            God’s proclamation of His name and attributes reveals His boundless compassion, infinite grace, and unwavering love for all creation. This divine proclamation reminds us of His merciful and kind-hearted nature, offering solace and hope to those in need.

What is the Hebrew word for goodness?

            According to Strong’s Concordance (1890), the Hebrew word for “goodness” is טוּב (tub), which means good things, goodness, or prosperity. God’s goodness is a key aspect of His character, demonstrating His benevolence, mercy, compassion, and gracious nature, as revealed in the proclamation of His name and attributes to Moses.

“Name” (Exodus 33:19, ESV)

What is the significance of God’s name in this context?

            God’s name represents His character and essence. When God proclaims His name, He reveals His nature and attributes to Moses.

How does the revelation of God’s name impact Moses and Israel?

            It deepens their understanding of who God is, reinforcing their faith and trust in Him.

What does the Hebrew word “name” mean?

The Hebrew word for “name” is שֵׁם (shem), which means name, reputation, or fame.

The Significance is that God’s name represents His character and essence. When God proclaims His name, He reveals His nature and attributes to Moses.

What impact did this have on Moses and Israel?

The revelation of God’s name is a profound and transformative experience for individuals, as it deepens their understanding of who God is and reinforces their faith and trust in Him. When one becomes aware of God’s name, it signifies a personal and intimate connection with the divine. It serves as a reminder of God’s presence, power, and attributes, instilling a sense of awe and reverence. Understanding and contemplating the significance of God’s name can deepen spiritual awareness and a stronger foundation of faith. Moreover, it can inspire individuals to seek a closer relationship with God and live according to His will. The revelation of God’s name is a powerful and sacred moment that can profoundly impact an individual’s spiritual journey.

“Glory” (Exodus 33:18, 22, ESV)

What does “glory” mean in this context?

            God’s glory refers to His divine presence and majesty. It encompasses His holiness, power, and the fullness of His being.

How is God’s glory revealed to Moses?

            God reveals His glory to Moses by allowing him to see His goodness and hear His name, while protecting Moses from the full intensity of His presence.

What does the Hebrew word mean?

The Hebrew word for “glory,” as per Strong’s Concordance (1890), is כָּבוֹד (kabowd), which denotes glory, honor, or splendor. In the context of God’s glory, it signifies His divine presence and majesty, encompassing His holiness, power, and the entirety of His being. This glory was revealed to Moses when God allowed him to witness His goodness and hear His name while shielding Moses from the complete intensity of His presence. This demonstrates the overwhelming and awe-inspiring nature of God’s glory, which is beyond human comprehension. It also emphasizes the care and consideration with which God revealed His glory to Moses, recognizing that mortal eyes and ears could not fully withstand the pure radiance and majesty of the divine presence.

Summary, correlation, & application

The main point of this passage (exodus 33:12-33, ESV) is the indispensable nature of God’s presence for guidance and assurance.

Moses emphasizes the indispensable nature of God’s presence by asserting that the journey would lack meaning without it. This underscores the exceptional and intimate relationship between God and His chosen leader, Moses, highlighting the significance of divine guidance in their journey.

This beautiful passage beautifully ties into other parts of Scripture, highlighting God’s consistent promises to be with His people. For example, in Joshua 1:9, God reassures us, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” This verse serves as a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering presence and support for His people. Furthermore, the New Testament brings forth the comforting assurance of God’s presence through the Holy Spirit, as seen in John 14:16-17 (ESV), where Jesus promises, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth.” This interconnectedness across Scripture not only strengthens our faith but also serves as a testament to God’s enduring love and faithfulness to His people throughout history.

Interpreted within its canonical context, this passage underscores the importance of seeking God’s presence in all aspects of life. It reminds us that nurturing a personal relationship with God is essential for individuals, as it provides spiritual guidance, comfort, and strength in facing life’s challenges. In the church context, it highlights the need for divine guidance in ministry and community life, emphasizing the significance of seeking God’s wisdom and direction in all communal activities and decision-making processes. This passage resonates with me as a reminder to prioritize cultivating a deep and meaningful connection with God in my daily life, seeking His guidance and presence in all I do, and being open to His wisdom and direction.

Further questions

  • How can we seek and recognize God’s presence daily?


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