Lesallan October 30, 2023

For Those Who Have Found and Then Lost Jesus

The concept of finding and losing Jesus can be interpreted differently depending on the context. Here are a couple of interpretations based on Biblical teachings:

First, Finding Jesus through Faith: The core message of the Christian faith is that Jesus Christ rescues us from the slavery of sin and offers true freedom in this life and beyond. When people repent and believe in Jesus Christ, they are said to have “found” Jesus. This is often described as being “loosed” or freed from sin.

Second, Losing Jesus through Sin or Disbelief: If someone turns away from their faith or falls into sin after finding Jesus, this could be interpreted as “losing” Jesus. In the context of Matthew 16:19, those who remain unrepentant unbelievers are “bound,” and the kingdom is shut against them.

Third, we find Jesus in Grief: Sometimes, people may feel like they’ve “lost” Jesus during times of grief or hardship. However, many find that it’s in these challenging times that they can draw closer to God and find comfort in His presence.

Remember, these interpretations can vary widely based on personal beliefs, denominational teachings, and individual experiences with faith.

In Christ,

Lesallan – October 30, 2023


What Does ‘Binding and Loosing’ Mean in Matthew 16:19. https://www.logos.com/grow/what-does-binding-and-loosing-mean-in-matthew-1619/.