Is a Church Community Necessary to Follow Jesus

Lesallan Bostron

Ohio Christian University

THE4050 Investigating Christian Theology II (ONLF23)

Professor Jeremy Kamer

October 17, 2023

Is a Church Community Necessary to Follow Jesus

This case study is a challenging situation that many of us may encounter at some point in our lives. My friend loves Jesus but does not see the value of being part of a church community. How do I respond to this? How do I communicate my perspective without being harsh or coercive? First, I want to say that I would want to empathize with my friend. I know that there are many reasons why someone might feel disillusioned or dissatisfied with the church. Church leaders or members may have wounded them. They may have witnessed hypocrisy or abuse in the church. They may not have found a church that meets their needs or expectations. They may have been influenced by a culture that values individualism and autonomy over community and accountability.

I do not want to trivialize or disregard any of these reasons. They are valid and authentic. Furthermore, I do not want to presume that I know better than my friend what is best for their spiritual journey. This friend is an adult who can make their own decisions. Moreover, I respect their choice. Nevertheless, I also want to share with them why I think being part of a church community is beneficial and essential for following Jesus. So here are some things I would say to my friend if they were willing to listen.

God intended for us to be part of a church community. This intention is a human tradition and a design clearly shown in the Bible. He created us to have a relationship with him and with each other. As his family, body, bride, and temple, we have been given gifts and roles to serve one another and build up the church. God commands us to love one another, support each other, forgive one another, and encourage one another. Leaders and elders are appointed to guide and oversee the church, and God instructs us to gather regularly for worship, teaching, fellowship, prayer, and communion. Neglecting or forsaking the assembly of the saints is discouraged, and we have been promised that God will be present when we gather in his name. As Oden (2009) writes, “The church is not an afterthought of God’s saving plan but its intended goal” (Oden, 2009, p. 661). He explains that “the church is the community of those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord” (Oden, 2009, p. 662) and that “the church is the primary means by which God communicates his grace to the world” (Oden, 2009, p. 663).

Being part of a church community is a privilege where we experience God’s grace and love, grow in faith, find support, exercise our gifts, and join God’s mission. As followers of Jesus, we are responsible for being a part of a church community that provides guidance, correction, accountability, encouragement, diversity, unity, and harmony, and reflects God’s character and beauty in the world. According to Oden (2009), the church is a necessary context of responsibility, gratitude, and praise.

Although every church is imperfect, being part of a church community is vital for following Jesus. We need grace, forgiveness, patience, humility, commitment, and perseverance in the church. I hope my friend will reconsider leaving the church behind and not miss what God has for them.




Oden, T. C. (2009). Classic Christianity: a systematic theology. HarperOne.