Written By Lesallan – July 21, 2023

Is The Bible Unique
Within the pages of the Old Testament recorded are Israel’s history, laws, prophecies, poetry, and wisdom in Hebrew and Aramaic. It is part of the Christian Bible, alongside the New Testament. The Old Testament literature is unique from other literature in the ancient near east for several reasons. First, the Old Testament literature is monotheistic, affirming the existence and sovereignty of one God, who created and ruled over everything. Other literature in the ancient near east was polytheistic, meaning that it acknowledged many gods and goddesses who often competed and conflicted with each other. The Old Testament literature also reveals God’s personal name, Yahweh, which expresses his character and covenant with his people.
The Old Testament is a historical record of actual events and people, unlike other literature in the ancient near east, which often used mythical stories to convey religious or moral truths. It also shows God’s involvement in human history, mainly through Israel, and traces his plan of salvation from the beginning of the world to the coming of the Messiah. Third, the Old Testament literature is ethical, meaning that it teaches moral principles and values that reflect God’s character and will. Other literature in the ancient near east was often pragmatic, focusing on practical advice and rituals for achieving success and prosperity. The Old Testament literature also shows God’s expectations and judgments for his people, as well as his grace and mercy; the Old Testament literature provides a standard of righteousness and justice for all people.
The Old Testament literature stands out from ancient near eastern literature due to its unique qualities. Its monotheistic, historical, and ethical approach provides insight into God’s nature, works, and purposes for His creation. Moreover, it paves the way for the New Testament literature, which ultimately fulfills and perfects God’s revelation in Jesus Christ.

Arnold, B. T. (2015, June 30). Was Ancient Israel Just Like Its Neighbors? A Singular Israel in a Pluralistic World. Seedbed. https://seedbed.com/was-ancient-israel-just-like-its-neighbors-a-singular-israel-in-a-pluralistic-world/
Hebrews 4 – NIV Bible – Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest … (n.d.). Biblestudytools.com. https://www.biblestudytools.com/hebrews/4.html
Oswalt, J. (2013, November 27). Yahweh and the Ancient Gods. Seedbed. https://seedbed.com/yahweh-ancient-gods/
2 Timothy 3 – NIV – But mark this: There will be terrible times in the… (n.d.). Biblestudytools.com. https://www.biblestudytools.com/2-timothy/3.html