Written By Lesallan – October 3, 2023

Justification by Grace – God’s Gift

Oden (2009) explains that according to the theological truth of justification by grace through faith, God declares sinners righteous in His grace as a gift. This is made possible through the redemption of Christ Jesus, who bore the penalty of our sins on the cross and imputed His righteousness to us. It is important to note that this justification is not based on our works or merits, but on God’s mercy and love. We receive it by faith alone, which is the instrument by which we appropriate the benefits of Christ’s work. This justification is at the heart of the gospel and central to the Christian faith. The Law, Prophets, apostles, and early church fathers have witnessed it. Justification by grace through faith assures us of God’s acceptance and favor, providing freedom from guilt and condemnation. This truth motivates us to live for God’s glory and obey His commands out of gratitude and love.

To apply Oden’s teachings to modern life, it is crucial first to acknowledge our inherent sinfulness and reliance on God’s grace. We must repent our wrongdoings and solely trust in Christ for our salvation. Receiving God’s forgiveness and basking in His love are paramount. We must strive to deepen our understanding of God’s Word and His plan for our lives. It is essential to share the gospel with others and extend them an invitation to experience God’s grace. We should seek out a community of like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement, constructive criticism, and support as we navigate our faith journey. We must utilize our unique talents and abilities to serve God and put His kingdom and righteousness above all else.

Reading Oden’s book can provide fresh insights into the Biblical, historical, and theological underpinnings of justification by grace through faith. One can learn how various Christian thinkers have expressed and defended this doctrine throughout history, particularly in response to challenges and controversies. Additionally, readers can better understand how this doctrine relates to other essential aspects of Christian theology, such as the Trinity, the incarnation, the atonement, the church, and the sacraments. Furthermore, they can appreciate how this doctrine has influenced Christian spirituality, ethics, and mission. Finally, individuals can apply this doctrine to their personal lives and contexts and communicate it persuasively to others.

In support of his argument, Oden (2009) presents several key concepts that define justification. According to him, justification is when God declares sinners as righteous in his sight, based solely on the righteousness of Christ. This righteousness is imputed or reckoned to us through faith and is seen as a gift of God’s grace. Oden describes justification as the heart of the gospel, representing the good news that God has acted decisively in history to save sinners through Christ. Additionally, Oden emphasizes that justification is the central doctrine of the Christian faith, supported by the teachings of both Scripture and tradition. It assures believers of God’s acceptance and favor, serving as the foundation for peace, joy, and confidence. Justification also leads to freedom from guilt and condemnation, forgiveness, pardon, and reconciliation. Lastly, Oden suggests that justification motivates living for God’s glory and drives obedience, sanctification, and good works (Oden, 2009).




Oden, T. C. (2009). Classic Christianity: a systematic theology. HarperOne.