
Ohio Christian University BIB2025 New Testament Interpretation (ONLSP24)

April 30, 2024

Let Scripture Be a Guiding Light

When I find myself puzzled by life’s challenges, I often turn to Scripture for guidance. Although it may not provide me with specific answers to all of my questions, it reveals the character of God and His ways. I learn about His holiness, justice, love, and goodness, and His Word becomes a mirror reflecting the One who holds my destiny. In my darkest moments, His Word gives me life and reminds me that I am not alone. Although it does not promise an escape from suffering, it assures me of God’s presence. God is unchanging, and the same God who parted the Red Sea in Exodus is the One who orchestrates my daily sunrises. His Word reminds me of His unchanging faithfulness, and I find stability in its eternal truths amidst life’s turbulence.

The Scripture tells the story of God’s mighty deeds throughout history, from the world’s creation to the redemption of humankind. Witnessing His power, grace, and sovereignty is a source of immense comfort, as I know that the same God who parted the sea is the one who sustains me today. Regularly engaging with God’s Word, such as reading through Psalms, may not bring immediate results, but it gradually transforms me over time. My thoughts, responses, and desires align with God’ as a result of this gradual metamorphosis.

Reflecting on my personal journey, I cannot overlook how the Word of God has guided me. Be it a verse, a chapter, or a promise, it has always sustained me in times of difficulty. I am grateful for the grace that is interwoven in every syllable of the Word of God, which has lifted me in my lowest moments and carried me through the valleys. I pray that we all continue to walk in the light of His Word, one step at a time, every day, until the very end.

