Written By Lesallan – August 7, 2023

Hey, everyone! This is Lesallan, and welcome back to my blog, where I share my thoughts and feelings about everything and anything. Today, I want to talk about love and life. You know, those big topics that keep us awake at night and make us wonder what it is all about.
Love is a heartfelt emotion, right? We all feel it differently but know it when we experience it. That warm and fuzzy feeling fills our chest and makes us smile. It is that connection that we have with someone who understands us and accepts us for who we are. We share that bond with our family and friends, who support and care for us.

Nevertheless, love is also a complex emotion, right? It is not always easy to express it or receive it. Sometimes, people hurt us that we love, or we hurt them unintentionally. Sometimes, we lose the people we love, or they drift away from us. Sometimes, we struggle to find love or settle for less than we deserve. Life is a circle, right? We all go through different stages and phases, but we always return to where we started. It is like a cycle of birth and death, growth and decay, creation and destruction. It is like a wheel spinning, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but never stopping.

Nevertheless, life is also a mystery, right? We do not always know why things happen or what they mean. Sometimes, we face challenges that test our limits and make us question our purpose. Sometimes, we encounter opportunities that change our direction and make us discover new things. Sometimes, we wonder if there is a plan or a destiny for us, or if it is all random and chaotic, that little voice inside your head.

So, what do we do when love is a heartfelt emotion and life is a circle? How do we cope with the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows, the hopes, and fears? How do we make sense of it all and find happiness and fulfillment?
I do not have all the answers, but I have some ideas that might help you. Here are some things that I try to do when I feel lost or confused about love and life:
– I try to be grateful for what I have and who I have in my life. I appreciate the moments of beauty and kindness that I witness or receive. I acknowledge the gifts and talents that I possess or develop. I celebrate the achievements and milestones that I reach or witness.
– I try to be open to new experiences and perspectives. I explore new places and cultures that enrich my knowledge and understanding. I meet new people and listen to their stories and opinions. I learn new skills and hobbies that challenge my abilities and interests.
– I try to be compassionate towards myself and others. I forgive myself for my mistakes and shortcomings. I forgive others for their faults and flaws. I help myself when I need support or guidance. I help others when they need assistance or comfort.
– I try to be optimistic about the future and realistic about the present. I set goals and dreams that inspire me and motivate me. I take actions and steps that move me closer to them. I accept the reality of my situation and the consequences of my choices. I adapt to the changes and circumstances that occur.
These things help me when love is a heartfelt emotion and life is a circle. They may not work for everyone, but they work for me. Maybe they can work for you too.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with me? Do you have any other tips or suggestions on how to deal with love and life? Let me know in the comments below!
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Until next time,
Your blogger friend Lesallan