Lesallan – September 3, 2024

Moral Courage and Divine Blessing in Exodus 1:15-22 (ESV)

The story of the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, is a profound narrative that uniquely highlights the themes of moral courage, faith, and divine blessing. Their actions, as described in Exodus 1:15-22 (ESV), offer timeless lessons on standing up for what is right, guided by a deep reverence for God. These five insights delve into the various aspects of their story, exploring how God rewarded their courage and faithfulness, and how their defiance against oppression continues to inspire contemporary ethical decision-making.

The courage of the midwives is remarkable.

            The story of the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, is a powerful testament to the courage and integrity of individuals who demonstrate unwavering strength and moral fortitude amid formidable challenges. When Pharaoh ordered them to kill Hebrew male infants, they chose to follow their moral compass and fear of God, risking their own safety to protect innocent lives. Their unwavering faith and bravery are inspiring examples of how individuals can stand against oppressive forces. Their actions remind us that even in the darkest times, some will uphold what is right and just, offering hope and courage to others (Bostron, 2024; Walton et al., 2000).

The Fear of God is considered as a guiding principle.

   The midwives’ courageous actions were motivated by their profound reverence for God. In this context, “fear” conveys a deep respect for God’s authority over human commands. Their reverence for God empowered them to prioritize divine commandments over the oppressive directives of the king, thereby exemplifying the significant role of spiritual conviction in ethical decision-making. This poignant display of faith and moral integrity is a timeless example of individuals choosing to uphold their spiritual values, even in the face of intense pressure and adversity (Bostron, 2024; Walton et al., 2000).

God’s blessing is given in response to faithfulness.

The tale of the midwives’ unwavering loyalty in the midst of challenges serves as a compelling testament to the enduring biblical truth that God rewards those who are faithful to Him. Their unwavering commitment to righteousness, even in the face of Pharaoh’s orders, was not in vain, for God recognized their faithfulness and blessed their own families in return. This poignant example serves to remind us that divine justice prevails and that living a life in accordance with God’s teachings brings forth its own rewarding fruits. It is a profound illustration of the enduring truth that those who bravely uphold their faith in God will be met with His gracious blessings, and that genuine righteousness never goes unnoticed in the eyes of the divine (Bostron, 2024; Walton et al., 2000).

The Escalation of Oppression.

            Pharaoh’s response to the midwives’ defiance was to issue a decree ordering all his people to throw every Hebrew male child into the Nile. This drastic escalation in cruelty and oppression underscores the increasingly dire situation faced by the Israelites. The harshness of this directive sets the stage for God’s intervention through the emergence of Moses as a pivotal figure in leading the Israelites out of oppression and towards freedom. This pivotal moment in the biblical narrative highlights the extreme hardships endured by the Israelites and the subsequent divine intervention that would change their fate (Bostron, 2024; Walton et al., 2000).

The midwives’ defiance and Application to Contemporary Issues.

            The narrative of the midwives’ defiance, as depicted in historical texts, continues to resonate with contemporary society, highlighting the timeless relevance of moral courage and civil disobedience. This compelling account of resistance offers profound inspiration for individuals facing unjust laws and policies, serving as a reminder that true justice frequently necessitates individuals to act in accordance with their conscience and faith, even when confronted with significant repercussions. The midwives’ unwavering commitment to their principles encourages people to courageously stand up for what is right and just, despite the challenges and risks involved (Bostron, 2024; Walton et al., 2000).

I found these insights into Exodus 1:15-22 (ESV) to be quite enlightening. They have enhanced my comprehension of the text’s historical and literary backdrop. Moreover, they offer valuable guidance for navigating contemporary ethical quandaries. It is interesting to ponder how these insights might parallel the experiences and challenges faced by friends. I wonder if they have encountered similar ethical dilemmas in their own lives.




Bostron, L. (2024, August 31). Exodus 1:15-22 (ESV): Detailed Analysis – A Journey in Life.

Thechristianthing.com. https://thechristianthing.com/exodus-115-22-esv-detailed-analysis/

Walton, J. H., Victor Harold Matthews, & Mark William Chavalas. (2000). The IVP Bible background commentary Old Testament. Downers Grove, Ill. Intervarsity Press.

1 Comment

macbook send inn reparasjon · September 4, 2024 at 6:10 am

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