Written by Lesallan – December 5, 2023

Lesallan Bostron

Ohio Christian University

MIN3150 Ministry Leadership (ONLF23)

Dr. Steven Gerig

December 5, 2023

Resolving Problems Discussion – Health and Financial

I have opted to tackle the first and fourth problems from the list provided. The nature of each problem is as follows, along with a potential solution for each:

The first issue is a health concern that impacts the child with head lice and the other children and staff in the department. It is crucial to approach this matter with sensitivity, empathy, assertiveness, and clarity. One possible solution is to reach out to the affected child’s parents and inform them of the situation. Kindly explain that their child cannot attend the department until the head lice have been treated and eliminated. We must provide them with helpful resources or referrals for treatment options and express our genuine concern and support for their family.

Additionally, it is essential to inform the other parents in the department and request that they check their children for head lice. If any other cases are discovered, follow the same protocol. Thoroughly clean and disinfect the department and closely monitor the situation until it is fully resolved.

The financial challenge involves competing priorities and interests, and it is crucial to approach it with wisdom, discernment, transparency, and accountability. To address this issue, one potential solution is to seek guidance from the church board and finance committee, and assess the church’s vision, mission, goals, the budget, and needs. Each option on the “wish list” should be evaluated based on its alignment with these criteria and impact on the church’s ministry and growth. It is also important to gather input from other stakeholders, including staff, volunteers, members, and donors. Lastly, pray for God’s guidance and direction, and after careful consideration, present a recommendation to the finance committee that reflects the best use of the bequest for God’s glory and the church’s benefit.

The first issue at hand is a health concern that affects not only the child with head lice but also the other children and staff in the department. Handling this situation with care, empathy, and clarity is crucial. One possible solution is to communicate with the affected child’s parents and inform them of the situation. Let them know that the child cannot attend the department until the head lice have been treated and eliminated. Offer some treatment options or resources and express your concern and support for the family. Additionally, inform the other parents in the department and encourage them to check their children for head lice. If any other cases are discovered, follow the same protocol. Thoroughly clean and sanitize the department and monitor the situation until it is resolved.

The fourth issue pertains to finances and involves varying priorities and interests. It is crucial to approach this matter with wisdom, discernment, transparency, and accountability. One possible solution is to review the church’s vision, mission, objectives, and budget requirements with the church board and finance committee. Evaluate each item on the “wish list” based on its alignment with these criteria and impact on the church’s ministry and expansion. Seek input from other stakeholders, including staff, volunteers, members, and donors. Seek divine guidance and assistance through prayer. After thoughtful consideration, propose to the finance committee, the option that best serves God’s glory and the church’s welfare.

In Christ,
