Written by Lesallan – November 14, 2023

Servant Leadership – Serving Others
Lesallan Bostron
Ohio Christian University
MIN3150 Ministry Leadership (ONLF23)
Dr. Steven Gerig
November 14, 2023
Servant Leadership – Serving Others
First, let me say that Servant-leader is a term that describes a person who leads by serving others, putting their needs and interests above their own. Servant leadership is a philosophy and practice of leadership that emphasizes followers’ empowerment, development, and well-being. The concept of servant leadership suggests that the most effective leaders are those who demonstrate assertiveness, while also maintaining a sense of humility, compassion, and a focus on serving others. Different translations mean nothing other than what other men have written throughout the Millenniums.
So, when Jesus said, “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant” (Mark 10:43, KJV), He taught his disciples a radical way of leadership that contrasted with the worldly standards of power and authority. He showed them that true greatness comes from being a servant of God and others, not a lord or a master. The Son of God was not only teaching about servant leadership, but also demonstrating it through His actions. He humbly washed the feet of His followers, generously fed the hungry, compassionately healed the sick, and ultimately sacrificed His own life for their sake.
One example of servant-leadership I recently witnessed was when my friend was at the casino. I did it not for money or recognition, but to help them succeed and overcome their challenges. He spent hours explaining the concepts and needs. I gave him practical advice and encouraged him to go home. I also showed genuine care and interest in his life, listening to his stories and offering advice when needed. I am a servant-leader because I use my skills and knowledge to serve others and make a positive difference in their lives.
In summary, servant leadership is a profound and transformative approach to leadership that upholds the values of God and benefits others. One must understand that servant leadership is a selfless approach, not driven by personal gain or interests. The underlying motivation behind it is a desire to serve a greater cause, aligning with God’s purpose, and facilitating the development and advancement of others. As several successful organizations have shown, servant leadership can also positively impact organizational performance. In the words of Edward Hess, a renowned researcher of servant leadership, “Servant leaders are exceptional leaders who create outstanding organizations that are nimble, adaptable, and innovative” (Hess, 2013).
Blessings In Christ,

Bible Hub. (n.d.). Mark 10:35 Commentaries. Bible Hub. Retrieved from https://biblehub.com/commentaries/mark/10-35.htm
Hess, E. D. (2013, April 28). Servant leadership: A path to high performance. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/capitalbusiness/servant-leadership-a-path-to-high-performance/2013/04/26/435e58b2-a7b8-11e2-8302-3c7e0ea97057_story.html
Sermon Writer. (n.d.). Mark 10:35-45 Biblical Commentary. Sermon Writer. Retrieved from https://sermonwriter.com/biblical-commentary/new-testament-mark-1035-45/
Skinner, M. (2009). Commentary on Mark 10:35-45. Working Preacher. Retrieved from https://www.workingpreacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/ordinary-29-2/commentary-on-mark-1035-45-2