Written by Lesallan – November 20, 2023

My Personal Growth Goals

Spiritual growth is essential to leadership, shaping our values, beliefs, and actions. As a leader, I constantly evaluate and reflect on my spiritual journey and how it influences my leadership style and goals. I ask myself questions such as: Am I following God’ will and purpose for my life? Am I serving others with love, humility, and compassion? Am I growing in faith, wisdom, and character?   

I regularly engage in various spiritual practices to nurture my relationship with God and others. These practices include prayer, meditation, worship, Bible study, fasting and fellowship. These practices help me to connect with God, listen to His voice, receive His grace, and share His love. They also help me to learn from other believers, support each other, and grow together in the community.

My evaluation and reflection also relate to my relationship with others in my ministry. I seek to understand the needs, expectations, and feedback of the people I serve and work with. I strive to build trust, respect, and cooperation among my team members and partners. I celebrate the achievements and contributions of others and acknowledge the areas where I need to improve. I also seek to resolve conflicts and disagreements constructively and biblically.

In my leadership decisions and actions, I seek God’s guidance and discernment by praying for His wisdom, direction, and peace. I also consult other spiritual mentors and leaders who can offer me advice, feedback, and accountability. I try to align my decisions and actions with God’s word and will and to be open to His correction and redirection. I trust that God is sovereign and will work all things for good according to His plan.

In addition to spiritual growth, I value professional development as a leader. I seek to improve my skills, knowledge, and competencies in various areas of leadership, such as communication, collaboration, innovation, problem-solving, and decision-making. I participate in training programs, workshops, seminars, and conferences that can enhance my leadership capacity and effectiveness. I also read books, articles, blogs, and podcasts that can inspire me, challenge me, and teach me new ideas and perspectives. Professional development is a lifelong process that can help me grow as a leader and person.

This report summarizes my spiritual growth as a leader in the past year. It reflects my personal journey, experiences, challenges, and learnings. It also highlights the areas where I need to continue to grow and improve. I hope that this report will be helpful for my development and the benefit of the ministry that God has entrusted me with.

My spiritual growth plan for the next year is based on the following goals: To deepen my intimacy with God through daily prayer, meditation, and worship. To study God’s word more diligently and apply it to my life. To fast at least once a month to seek God’ will and direction.

I want to join a small group or a discipleship program where I can share my struggles, joys, and insights with other believers. To serve others more generously with my time, talents, and resources. I need to seek God’s guidance and discernment in every decision and action I make as a leader. To learn from other spiritual leaders who can mentor, challenge, and inspire me. To evaluate and reflect on my spiritual growth regularly and adjust as needed.

In Christ,


November 20, 2023