Written By Lesallan – August 18, 2023

The Bible is a source of wisdom and guidance for many people who believe in God and His promises. One of the most famous verses in the Bible is Matthew 7:7, which says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” This verse encourages us to pray with faith and confidence, trusting that God will hear and answer our requests according to His will.
But what does it mean to ask and receive from God? Does it mean that we can get anything we want, as long as we pray hard enough? Does it mean that God is like a genie who grants our wishes without any conditions or limitations? Does it mean that we can manipulate God to do our bidding, regardless of His plans and purposes?
The answer to these questions is no. Asking and receiving from God is not a magic formula or a guarantee of success. It is not a way of imposing our will on God, but rather a way of aligning our will with His. It is not a way of demanding what we want, but rather a way of discovering what He wants. It is not a way of exploiting God’s generosity, but rather a way of expressing our dependence on Him.
When we ask and receive from God, we must consider three important factors: His character, commands, and context.
His character: God is good, loving, faithful, wise, powerful, and sovereign. He knows what is best for us and wants what is best for us. He can do anything He pleases and does everything for His glory. He is not obligated to give us anything but chooses to give us everything we need. He is not a vending machine that dispenses goods on demand, but a loving Father who delights in giving good gifts to His children.
His commands: God has revealed His will for us in His word, the Bible. He has given us instructions on how to live, how to love, how to serve, how to worship, how to pray, and how to grow. He has also given us promises on what He will do for us, how He will bless us, how He will protect us, how He will provide for us, and how He will save us. When we ask and receive from God, we need to align our requests with His commands. We need to ask according to His will, not ours. We need to ask for things that honor Him, not ourselves. We need to ask for things that help us obey Him, not sin against Him.
His context: God has a plan for the world and for each one of us. He has a purpose for everything that happens in history and in our lives. He has a perspective that transcends time and space. He sees the big picture, while we often see only a small part of it. When we ask and receive from God, we need to trust His context. We need to acknowledge that He knows better than we do, and that He works all things together for good for those who love Him. We need to accept that He may say yes, no, or wait to our requests, depending on what is best for us and for His glory. We need to submit to His sovereignty, even when we don’t understand His ways.
Asking and receiving from God is a privilege and a responsibility. It is a way of communicating with Him and relating to Him. It is a way of growing in faith and maturity. It is a way of experiencing His grace and power. It is a way of glorifying Him and enjoying Him.
Let us ask and receive from God with humility, sincerity, gratitude, and expectation. Let us ask and receive from God with confidence, joy, peace, and hope.
The Bible is a source of wisdom and guidance for many people who believe in God and His promises. One of the most famous verses in the Bible is Matthew 7:7, which says “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” This verse encourages us to pray with faith and confidence, trusting that God will hear and answer our requests according to His will.
But how can we apply this verse to our lives? How can we ask and receive from God in a way that honors Him and blesses us? Here are some practical steps we can take:
– Know God’s character: Before we ask anything from God, we need to know who He is and what He is like. We need to study His word, the Bible, and learn about His attributes, such as His goodness, love, faithfulness, wisdom, power, and sovereignty. We need to praise Him for who He is and thank Him for what He has done. We need to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
– Know God’s commands: As we read the Bible, we also need to pay attention to what God wants us to do and how He wants us to live. We need to obey His commands, such as loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loving our neighbor as ourselves. We need to follow His instructions, such as praying without ceasing, giving thanks in all circumstances, and seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness. We need to claim His promises, such as He will never leave us nor forsake us, He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory, and He will work all things together for good for those who love Him.
– Know God’s context: As we pray to God, we also need to trust His plan and His purpose for our lives. We need to acknowledge that He knows better than we do what is best for us and for His glory. We need to accept that He may answer our prayers in different ways than we expect or hope for. We need to submit to His sovereignty, even when we don’t understand His ways or His timing.
Asking and receiving from God is a privilege and a responsibility. It is a way of communicating with Him and relating to Him. It is a way of growing in faith and maturity. It is a way of experiencing His grace and power. It is a way of glorifying Him and enjoying Him.
Let us ask and receive from God with humility, sincerity, gratitude, and expectation. Let us ask and receive from God with confidence, joy, peace, and hope.
Love and Peace,