Written by Lesallan Bostron
BIB3560 Revelation (ONLSP23)
@Ohio Christian University
#ohiochristian #OhioChristianUniversity #thechristianthing #lesallan
Pastor Alexander Soultz
April 26, 2023

The Book of Revelation Chapter Six: The Literary, Canonical, and Historical Context
The question that should be asked is, “How should Revelation 6:1-17 (ESV) be applied in its literary, canonical, and historical context and then applied to contemporary issues?”
The assigned Book of Revelation is chapter six, English Standard Version, which describes the opening of the first six seals of a scroll that contains God’s plan for the end times. With the opening of each of these first six seals, unleashed is a different event or judgment on the earth. The opening of these seals involves four horsemen, martyrs, and cosmic disturbances. Many factors must be considered to interpret this chapter’s literary, canonical, and historical context. First, because Revelation is a book of apocalyptic literature that uses symbolic imagery and language to convey a message of hope and warning to God’s people in times of crisis, we should not take everything literally; we should seek and look for the meaning behind the symbols. Revelation is also a book of prophecy, revealing God’s sovereign control over history, His ultimate defeat of evil, and His victory over evil. Therefore, we should not be too dogmatic or speculative about the details of the events yet to come (future) but focus on the main themes and messages that apply to all generations. Finally, when interpreting Revelation and because it is part of the canon of Scripture, meaning that it is inspired by God and authoritative for our faith and practice, we should interpret it in harmony with the rest of Scripture. This is especially true of the Old Testament background and the New Testament fulfillment.
Revelation was written in a historical context, which was the persecution of Christians by the Roman Empire in the late first century A.D. Therefore, what must be understood is how the original audience would have understood and then applied the message of Revelation to their situation. Then by considering these factors, we can attempt to apply Revelation six to contemporary life and living by asking questions:
What does Revelation 6:1-17 (ESV) teach us about God’s character and attributes?
Revelation teaches and describes the opening of the first six seals that contains God’s plan for the end times. Each seal unleashed a different judgment on earth and humanity. Lessons that can be learned about God’s character and attributes from Revelation chapter six are: God is Supreme, sovereign, and in control of history. God has a predetermined plan that will be accomplished according to His will and timing. He is alone worthy to open the scroll and execute His judgments. God does not tolerate sin and rebellion against Him; God is Holy and Righteous. God will judge the wicked and avenge the blood of His faithful martyrs. God will display His wrath against those who oppose Him and refuse to repent. God protects and rewards His people who endure persecution and suffering for His name’s sake. He will give them white robes and tell them to hold (rest) on until their number is complete. God will also spare a part of Israel from His wrath by sealing 144,000 of them. God is powerful and majestic. He commands the forces of nature and uses them to bring his judgments. He causes earthquakes, eclipses, meteor showers, and other cosmic disturbances to shake the earth and terrify its inhabitants. He also has authority over death, Hades, and the four horsemen who bring war, famine, pestilence, and death. God is gracious and patient. He does not pour out his full wrath at once but gives opportunities for people to repent and turn to him. He also restrains the extent of the judgments by limiting the power of the horsemen and preserving some resources for life.
What does Revelation 6:1-17 (ESV) teach us about human sin and its consequences?
Revelation 6:1-17 (ESV) teaches us that human sin and its consequences are severe and devastating. Some insights that can be learned from this chapter are: Human sin leads to war, violence, injustice, and oppression. The first four seals unleash the four horsemen who bring conquest, bloodshed, famine, and death to the earth. The release results from the human rebellion against God and his law and the corruption of human nature and society. Human sin leads to persecution and martyrdom of God’s people. The fifth seal reveals the souls of those slain for God’s word and their testimony. They are the faithful witnesses who have suffered for Christ’s sake in a hostile world. They cry out for God’s justice and vengeance on their enemies. Human sin leads to cosmic upheaval and terror. The sixth seal unleashes a great earthquake, a darkened sun, a blood-red moon, falling stars, and a vanishing sky (Revelation 6:12-14, ESV). These are signs of God’s wrath and judgment on a sinful world that has rejected him. They cause fear and panic among those who try to hide from God’s presence and wrath.
What does Revelation 6:1-17 (ESV) teach us about God’s salvation and judgment?
Revelation chapter six ESV teaches us that God’s salvation and judgment are actual and imminent. We can learn from this chapter that God’s salvation is based on his grace and mercy. He has provided a way to escape his wrath through the Lamb (Jesus Christ), who was slain for our sins. He alone is worthy to open the scroll and reveal God’s plan for the end times. He also protects and rewards His people who trust Him and suffer for His sake. God’s judgment is based on his justice and wrath. He will punish the wicked and the unrepentant for their sins and persecution of his people. He will use various means of judgment, such as war, famine, pestilence, death, and cosmic disturbances, to bring his wrath upon the earth. He will also vindicate his people and avenge their blood. God’s salvation and judgment are both urgent and inevitable. The opening of the seals indicates that the end times are near and that God’s plan is being fulfilled. The events of this chapter are only the beginning of the tribulation period, which will culminate in the great tribulation and the return of Christ. The people who face God’s wrath will cry out for death, but they will not be able to escape or stand before him.
What does Revelation 6:1-17 (ESV) teach us about our response as Christians?
This passage and description are the events that will happen when the Lamb (Jesus Christ) opens the first seals of a scroll that contains God’s plan for the end of times.
Revelation 6:1-17 (ESV) is a passage that describes the events that will happen when the Lamb (Jesus Christ) opens the first six seals of a scroll that contains God’s plan for the end times. These events are part of the tribulation period (seven years), which will be a time of great suffering and judgment for unbelievers on the earth.
What are the events that will occur when the seals are opened?
The first seal is opened, revealing a white horse with a rider who has a bow and a crown. He goes out to conquer the world. Some interpreters believe this is the Antichrist, a satanic dictator who will deceive many people with his false peace and power. Appearing in the second seal is a red horse with a rider who has a sword. This rider on the red horse is the rider who takes peace from the earth and causes people to kill each other. What this represents is war and bloodshed. The third seal is opened, and a black horse with a rider with scales appears. The rider announces a famine that will make food very expensive and scarce. This rider upon a black horse represents economic collapse and scarcity.
With the opening of the fourth seal, a pale horse with a rider named Death and Hades appears. This rider has been given authority over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts (Revelation 6:7-8, ESV). This rider upon a pale horse represents widespread death and destruction. With the opening of the fifth seal, the souls of those who have been martyred for their faith in God and their testimony of Jesus are revealed. These souls cry out for God to judge and avenge their blood. They are given white robes and told to wait until their number is complete (Revelation 6:9-11, ESV). Comes next, the opening of the sixth seal; what follows is a great earthquake, the sun turning black, the moon turning blood red, the stars falling from the sky, the sky rolling up like a scroll, and every mountain and island is moved from its place (Revelation 6:12-14, ESV). This opening of the sixth seal represents cosmic disturbances and signs of God’s wrath. These events teach us that God is sovereign over history and will judge the wicked and reward the righteous in His time and way. Christians are also taught to be faithful, perseverant, witness, worshipful, hopeful, and prayerful amid tribulation and persecution. Christians should trust in God’s promises and look forward to His coming.
What happens when the sixth (Revelation 6:1-17, ESV) and seventh seal (Revelation 8, ESV) are opened in the Book of Revelation (ESV)?
John the Divine sees a great earthquake when the sixth seal is opened, the sun becomes black as sackcloth, the full moon becomes like blood, and the sky’s stars fall to the earth as a fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale. The sky vanishes like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island is removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the great ones, the generals, the rich and powerful, and everyone else, both enslaved and free, hid themselves in caves and among the rocks of mountains. They call to the mountains and rocks to fall on them and hide them from the face of Him seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. They say that the great day of their wrath has come and ask who can stand.
When the seventh seal is opened, heaven has silence for about half an hour. Then John sees seven angels who stand before God and are given seven trumpets. Another angel comes and stands at the altar with a golden censer. He is given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rises before God from the hand of the angel. Then the angel takes the censer, fills it with fire from the altar, and throws it on the earth. There are peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and earthquakes.
With the present state of the world today in 2023, are we living at the end of time, the times predicted in the Book of Revelation?
Because there are different interpretations of the Book of Revelation and the end times that exist among various religious groups, there are no definitive answers. There are, however, many perspectives: There are some Christians that believe that the Book of Revelation reveals a timetable for the end time, which includes a series of events such as seven seals, seven trumpets, the seven vials, the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, the great tribulation, and the second coming of Christ. Many Christians look for these events in current world affairs and interpret them as fulfilling Biblical prophecies. Many Christians do not take the Book of Revelation literally but view it as a symbolic or allegorical representation of spiritual realities and principles. Christians may not expect a specific sequence of events to occur at the end of time; instead, the focus should be on the message of hope and faith that the book offers to believers who face persecution and hardship. Some unbelievers may not regard the Book of Revelation as reliable or an authoritative source of information about the end time.
These unbelievers may base their views on other religious texts, scientific evidence, or personal opinions. They may also question the validity or relevance of biblical prophecies considering historical and cultural contexts. As for the present state of the world in 2023, many events and happenings may affect global politics, economy, environment, culture, and society. Some examples are:
Croatia adopted the euro and became part of the Schengen visa-free travel area on Jan. 1, 2023. Venice enacts a “day-trippers” fee for visitors who come to the city for a few hours but do not stay the night on Jan. 16, 2023. The Walt Disney Company and Warner Brothers celebrate their 100th anniversary throughout the year. The ICC Cricket ODI World Cup takes place in India from Feb. 9 to March 26, 2023. The Women’s FIFA World Cup will occur in Australia and New Zealand from July 10 to Aug. 20, 2023. The Asian Games occur in Hangzhou, China, from Sept. 10 to Sept. 25, 2023. The World Aquatics Championships will occur in Doha, Qatar, from Oct. 13 to Oct. 29, 2023. The Rugby World Cup occurs in France from Sept. 8 to Oct. 21, 2023.
There are no definitive answers to what examples in the year 2023 of the end of time as predicted in the Book of Revelation. However, many Christians believe many signs are fulfilling or indicating the prophecies. First, the COVID-19 pandemic shows that new diseases and pestilence are spreading (Revelation 6:8, ESV). Second, rising conflicts and tensions in the Middle East are a sign of war and rumors of wars (Revelation 6:4, ESV). Third, natural disasters like earthquakes, wildfires, heat waves, or cold spells signify cosmic disturbances and judgments (Revelation 6:12-17). Fourth, the rise of false religions and cults signifies deception and apostasy (Revelation 13:11-18, ESV). Finally, the political and economic instability is a sign of the emergence of a one-world government and a global leader – socialism and capitalism (Revelation 13:1-10, ESV).
None of these signs are conclusive or definitive proof that we live in the end times as Jesus Himself has said in the Book of Matthew, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Matthew 24:36, KJV). Different interpretation says that not even the Son knows the day or the time of His return – the second coming of Jesus Christ. These are just some of the possible events and perspectives relevant to questions in this world of our Lord 2023. Peace be with all and the Blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ as we continue this journey through education, life, and Christianity.
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