The topic for today’s general audience is the centrality of Christ in our lives.

This week’s devotional topic is all about the importance of Jesus in our lives and in the church. He is like the captain of a team, leading and guiding His people by giving them life, direction, and authority. He is also like the originator and champion of the resurrection, being the first one to rise from the dead. His power and authority extend over everything else, making Him worthy of all the praise, honor, and glory we can give Him.

As someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, I strive to live my life in accordance with His will and purpose. This means obeying His commands, relying on His grace, and eagerly awaiting His return. I also want to be an active member of His church and help it grow, unite, and fulfill its mission. In my daily life, I aspire to exhibit His loving and compassionate nature through my relationships, choices, and actions.

My spiritual journey in today’s world is full of challenges and opportunities. Sometimes, I get distracted or tempted by things that take me away from Christ and His teachings. However, there are also many chances to share His message of love and hope with people who may not know Him. I’ve also learned a lot from other Christians who have different experiences and perspectives than me. To stay on the right path, I need to be careful, humble, and committed to following Christ. One verse from the Bible that helps me stay focused on my faith is Philippians 1:21 (NIV): “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” This verse reminds me of the ultimate commitment and devotion that I want to have for Christ. He is my life, my hope, and everything to me.

~Lesallan (November 2, 2023)