Written by Lesallan
Ohio Christian University
MIN3150 Ministry Leadership (ONLF23)
Dr. Steven Gerig
November 29, 2023

The Final Ministry Plan

Are you prepared to learn about an exceptional game plan? Brace yourself as we are about to delve into the Final Ministry Plan. This student has formulated this plan utilizing the given template and keywords. Without further ado, let us examine the plan and its contents:

The MINISTRY (Poverty and Education in 65605)

1. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE (Poverty and Education).

This ministry aims to help people in Aurora, MO, overcome the challenges of poverty and pursue their educational goals. We in this ministry believe everyone deserves a chance to improve their lives and contribute to their community.


We will target all people in Aurora, Missouri, 65605, who live below the poverty line or have dropped out of school. We will also reach out to those at risk of falling into poverty or dropping out.


Our ministry will provide various services and programs to help our target group. Some include providing food vouchers and nutritional guidance to ensure adequate and healthy meals. Offering tutoring, mentoring, and scholarships to support academic achievement and career development. Organizing workshops, seminars, and counseling sessions to address financial literacy, self-esteem, stress management, and spiritual growth. Creating a safe and welcoming space where people can socialize, connect to the network, and access resources. Raising awareness and advocacy for the causes and solutions of poverty and education in our community.


This ministry will need the following personnel to run it: A poster designer who can create attractive and informative posters to promote our ministry and its events. I know a songwriter who can effortlessly create catchy jingles perfect for morning announcements at local schools and churches. A bouncer who can ensure the security and order of our ministry space and events. A coordinator who can oversee the planning, execution, and evaluation of our ministry activities. A team of volunteers who can assist with various tasks such as food distribution, tutoring, mentoring, and counseling.


This ministry will train our personnel according to their roles and responsibilities. Some of the training topics include poster design principles and techniques. Song writing skills and tips. Bouncer duties and protocols. Coordinator skills and best practices. Volunteer orientation and guidelines.

5. BUDGET (Are funds available from the government, the denomination, or agencies?)

Our estimated Budget for the first year of our ministry is as follows: Advertising – $125 (for printing posters). Stipend for Bouncer – $500 (for 10 hours per week). Vouchers for kitchen food – $10,000 (for 100 vouchers per month). Total Budget – $10,625.

We will seek funds from various sources, such as Government grants and subsidies for poverty alleviation and education initiatives. Denominational support and donations from local churches. Agencies and organizations that share our vision and mission. Individual donors and sponsors who are interested in our ministry.

5a. Will investigate federal food programs or local churches.

They consistently promote healthier eating habits. We will also investigate the possibility of partnering with federal food programs that offer nutritious meals to low-income families and individuals. This food program could reduce our food costs and increase our food quality.


Before launching our ministry, we must obtain the following approvals: The principal’s permission to put up posters and play jingles at local schools. The pastor’s permission to put up posters and play jingles at local churches. This student would need the secretary’s permission to access the morning announcement system. The government’s permission to apply for grants and subsidies.

The agency’s permission to collaborate with their programs is crucial to achieving our shared goals.


Below is the tentative timeline and sequence of steps for implementing our ministry:

September: Hire and train security, poster designer, songwriter, coordinator, and volunteers. Design and print posters. Compose jingles. Apply for grants and subsidies. Let’s take proactive steps towards our ministry goals by reaching out to potential partners and securing a suitable space. October: Launch ministry with a rally for first-year students at local schools or students at a university. Distribute food vouchers. Start tutoring, mentoring, counseling, workshops, and seminars. Play jingles on morning announcements. Monitor and evaluate progress.

8. Is there anyone else doing similar work I can collaborate with or learn from? If yes, who are they?

This student is aware of some other ministries that are doing similar work in our area or elsewhere. Some of them are The Salvation Army: They provide food, shelter, clothing, education, counseling, and spiritual support to needy people (Aurora Corps, n.d.). Compassion International: They sponsor children living in poverty worldwide and provide them with education, health care, and nutrition (Wondering Which Child Sponsorship Organization to Choose? 2018). World Vision: They work with communities to tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice through development, relief, and advocacy (World Vision, 2018). Two non-profit organizations that are dedicated to improving the lives of low-income families and individuals are Habitat for Humanity and Love INC. Habitat for Humanity constructs and restores homes for those in need, while Love INC mobilizes local churches to create positive change in communities in the name of Christ (Habitat for Humanity, 2018; Love In The Name of Christ, 2015). We will and should seek to learn from their experiences and best practices and collaborate with them on common goals and projects.


Aurora Corps. (n.d.). Aurora.salvationarmy.org. Retrieved November 29, 2023, from https://aurora.salvationarmy.org/

Habitat for Humanity. (2018). Habitat for Humanity. Habitat.org. https://www.habitat.org/

Love In The Name of Christ. (2015, December 7). Love In the Name of Christ – Helping Churches Help People. Www.loveinc.org. https://www.loveinc.org/

Wondering Which Child Sponsorship Organization to Choose? (2018). Compassion.com. https://www.compassion.com/

World Vision. (2018). All children have the right to be safe and protected. World Vision. https://www.worldvision.org/