Written By Lesallan

Ohio Christian University

BIB2015 Old Testament Interpretation (ONLF23)

Professor Mark Godbold

July 21, 2023

The History and Cultural Currents – The Book of Jonah

The Old Testament Book of Jonah is one of the most intriguing and enigmatic books in the Hebrew Bible. The tale recounts the journey of a prophet who initially resists God’s call to spread a message of repentance to the corrupt city of Nineveh. However, after being engulfed by a massive fish, he ultimately fulfills his divine mission. Scholars have debated this book’s date, authorship, genre, and purpose for centuries, but one clue to its historical and cultural context is the mention of the northern kingdom of Israel in Jonah 1:3 (NIV).

The northern kingdom, Samaria or Ephraim, existed from 930 BCE to 722 BCE until the Assyrian Empire conquered it. It faced political instability, religious syncretism, social injustice, and military threats. The kings often rebelled against Yahweh, building rival sanctuaries with golden calves as idols. Prophets like Elijah, Elisha, Amos, and Hosea called for repentance and reform. The Book of Jonah was likely written during or after Jeroboam II’s reign. Jonah’s story reflects the disobedience of the Northern kingdom. He fled from God via Joppa, a city in Israel. He was sent to preach repentance to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. This message may have been intended for Israel as well. God’s compassion for Nineveh challenged Israel’s exclusive claim to be chosen.

The Book of Jonah may also reflect some cultural currents that influenced the northern kingdom during this period. For example, ancient myths about sea monsters and heroes may have influenced the book, incorporated wisdom literature, used literary devices like irony, and expressed theological themes such as God’s sovereignty and mercy. The Book of Jonah may have been written during the reign of Jeroboam II as a critique of Israel’s sins and a call for repentance. It may also be a creative work conveying God’s love for everyone. During a peaceful time in Israel, Jonah prophesied and was called by the Lord to pronounce judgment on the great Assyrian city of Nineveh. He initially tried to escape but eventually obeyed and traveled there.


Book of Jonah – Read, Study Bible Verses Online. (2019). Bible Study Tools. https://www.biblestudytools.com/jonah/

Rasmussen, C. G. (2013). Zondervan Essential Atlas of the Bible. Zondervan.