Written By Lesallan – September 14, 2023

The Parable of the Talents Luke 19:11-27
Written By Lesallan – September 14, 2023
The Parable of the Talents is one of the most well-known stories that Jesus told in the Bible. It is found in Luke 19:11-27, and it teaches us some important lessons about how to use the gifts and resources that God has given us.
The story begins with a nobleman who is going away to receive a kingdom. He calls ten of his servants and gives them each a mina, which is a unit of money worth about three months’ wages. He tells them to do business with the money until he comes back.
When he returns, he calls his servants to account for what they have done with the money. The first servant says that he has made ten minas more with the one he was given. The nobleman praises him and rewards him with authority over ten cities. The second servant says that he has made five minas more with the one he was given. The nobleman praises him and rewards him with authority over five cities.
The third servant, however, says that he has kept the mina hidden in a cloth because he was afraid of the nobleman, who he thought was a harsh and greedy man. The nobleman rebukes him and takes away his mina, giving it to the first servant. He also says that those who have been faithful with little will be given more, but those who have been unfaithful will lose what they have. He then orders his enemies, who did not want him to be king, to be brought before him and killed.
What can we learn from this parable? Here are some possible lessons:
– God has entrusted us with different gifts, abilities, and resources, and he expects us to use them for his glory and the good of others.
– God will reward us according to how faithfully and fruitfully we have used what he has given us.
– God is not harsh or greedy, but generous and gracious. He gives us more than we deserve and helps us to grow in our stewardship.
– We should not be afraid or lazy, but diligent and faithful. We should not hide or waste our talents, but invest them wisely and creatively.
– We should not be envious or proud, but humble and grateful. We should not compare ourselves with others, but rejoice in their success and learn from their example.
– We should not be rebellious or disobedient, but loyal and submissive. We should not resist or reject God’s rule, but welcome and obey it.
How can I apply this parable to my life? Here are some possible applications:
– I can ask God to show me what gifts, abilities, and resources he has given me, and how I can use them for his purposes.
– I can seek to be faithful and fruitful in whatever I do, whether it is big or small, knowing that God sees and rewards my efforts.
– I can thank God for his generosity and grace, and share what I have with others who are in need or can benefit from it.
– I can overcome fear and laziness by trusting in God’s help and guidance, and by taking risks and trying new things that can advance his kingdom.
– I can celebrate the achievements of others who are using their talents well, and learn from their wisdom and experience.
– I can submit to God’s authority and follow his commands, knowing that he is the rightful king of my life and the world.
Lesallan – 09/14/2023