Ohio Christian University

MIN3150 Ministry Leadership (ONLF23)

Dr. Steven Gerig

November 23, 2023

The Spiritual Gifts and the Comparison

One way to study the Spiritual gifts in the Bible is to compare different lists of gifts that appear in different passages. Fellowship Baptist Church, as described by Clark (2023), has developed a comprehensive list of spiritual gifts that align with the teachings presented in the Book of Acts (KJV). This list comprises of apostleship, prophecy, evangelism, teaching, miracles, healing, tongues, interpretation of tongues, and administration. Please note that the list of gifts in the Bible is not exhaustive, as additional gifts are referenced in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4 (KJV). It is important to bear in mind that these gifts are of significant value and can be harnessed for the betterment of oneself and others. These gifts are wisdom, knowledge, faith, discernment, exhortation, giving, leadership, mercy, service, help, hospitality, and pastor-teacher. By comparing these lists, we can see that some gifts are common to all or most of them, while others are unique to one or a few. We can also see that some gifts are more general and broad, while others are more specific and narrow. This can help us understand the diversity and unity of the body of Christ and our roles and responsibilities as members.

The spiritual gifts’ assessment tool developed by Lifeway Christian Resources is a questionnaire that helps individuals discover their God-given gifts and use them in the ministry. The tool consists of 80 statements that relate to various spiritual gifts, such as administration, evangelism, leadership, mercy, and teaching. The survey participants are requested to rate the extent of their agreement with each statement on a scale ranging from 1 (rarely) to 4 (most of the time). Scores are added for each gift; the highest indicates the respondents’ dominant gifts. The tool also briefly describes each gift and suggests how to use it in the church and the world.

The spiritual gifts’ assessment tool from Lifeway Christian Resources (2003) helped me discover my God-given abilities and talents. According to the tool, my top three gifts are faith, exhortation, and knowledge. Faith is the ability to trust God and act on his promises, even when circumstances are challenging or uncertain. Exhortation is the ability to encourage, motivate, and counsel others in their spiritual growth and walk with God. Knowledge is understanding and applying biblical truths and principles to various situations and issues.

These gifts are not meant to be definitive or conclusive but indicative and suggestive of how God has uniquely shaped me for His purposes. Therefore, I cannot agree or disagree with these results as if they were final or fixed; instead, I should use them as a starting point for further exploration and reflection. I should also seek feedback from other Christians who know me well and can affirm or challenge my self-assessment. The best way I can confirm and develop my spiritual gifts is to use them in service to God and others and to observe the fruit and impact of these gifts on the ministry.

In this writing and discussion, I have attempted to provide a clear and informative overview of the spiritual gifts in the Bible and how to discover and use them. It compares different lists of gifts from different Biblical passages and shows how they reflect the diversity and unity of the body of Christ. It also introduces a practical tool that helps individuals identify and apply their gifts in the ministry.

In Christ,



Clark, R. (2023). Fellowship Baptist Church. Www.facebook.com. https://www.facebook.com/fellowshipbaptistchurchauroramissouri

Lifeway Christian Resources. (2003). SPIRITUAL GIFTS SURVEY DIRECTIONS. https://s7d9.scene7.com/is/content/LifeWayChristianResources/Spiritual%5FGifts%5FAssessmentpdf.pdf. Revised 2022.