The Struggle and Doubt in God’s Power
Lesallan Bostron
Ohio Christian University
MIN3150 Ministry Leadership (ONLF23)
Dr. Steven Gerig
December 4, 2023

In my life, there may be moments where I struggle with doubt in God’s power and provision during difficult times. However, I must remember how faithful and gracious He has been to me in the past and focus on His promises instead of the problems. To protect my heart and mind from the world’s influence, I will meditate on God’s word, pray without ceasing, and surround myself with fellow believers who can uplift and hold me accountable.
As a prospective leader in ministry, my goal is to inspire others to place their trust in God and follow His will, even when it appears impossible or unreasonable. I aim to share with them the stories of how Jesus fed the multitudes with only a few loaves and fish and how He cautioned His disciples against behaving like the Pharisees, who demanded a sign but did not believe. I want to remind them that nothing is too difficult for God and that He is concerned about our needs.
This week’s spiritual topic has helped me reflect on my faith and obedience. It has made me question whether I truly believe that God is capable of anything, whether I listen to His voice and follow His commands, acknowledge His presence in my life and express gratitude, and prioritize seeking His kingdom and righteousness above all else. These are important questions that I need to answer truthfully and humbly before God and allow Him to transform me through His Spirit.
The Book of Philippians says: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV). This verse reminds me that God is in control of everything. As I trust Him and thank Him for what He has done, He will give me peace.
I hope my reflection on this week’s spiritual topic has encouraged you to examine your faith and obedience to God. He is the source of our strength and joy and wants us to live in His abundance and grace. Let us not limit His power or doubt His goodness but surrender our lives to Him and follow His guidance. He will provide for us and protect us, as He has promised. He will also use us to bless others and advance His kingdom. May we always remember His love and faithfulness and give Him glory in everything we do.
In Christ,