Lesallan Bostron
Ohio Christian University
English1000 Composition 1 (ONAA36)
Professor Anita Dunn
January 11, 2021
The Ultimate Workplace
The ultimate workspace would be in a smaller mid-western state far removed from the humdrum and grind of today’s modern society; it is in a quiet, non-descript mid-western small town, a family town, one located in the heart of the mid-western United States Bible belt. A place that once was alive and filled with life, which bustled with the joyous sounds of rural, small-town life. The town may have grown old and tired, but if listened to quietly, it is still filled with a quiet peace and solitude, sounds of joy, laughing of children, and the barking of a dog, somehow and inexplicably drifting with the wind. Family-owned and attended-to businesses have long since been forced into submission by some corporate monster, the Walmart, the Dollar Generals, local mom and pops replaced by the Casey’s, the Kum and Go’s, having been run out, forced into defeat by the corporate chains, those with long-reaching arms and greed filled fingertips. Mom-and-pop shops have been thrown to the side like they were unimportant, left to wither, the dreams shattered. The solitude, the peacefulness that once drew visitors still exists, albeit in a now barren deserted town; Mom and Pop are now nothing more than a memory of days gone by, the place where men acted like men, where the woman was elected to stay at home raising a family, their children taught the meaning of life, raised to fear, and respect their elders, fear, and respect God. Were the Bible still significant in this place? God still exists in hearts and minds and lies deeply in people’s souls. In this place, nothing would be forced upon one; not a thing is mandatory, where a person’s faith is based on more than a few hours a week of instruction, where the constitution of these United States of America is understood and abided by, where labor is not a forced or mandatory practice. This place, with its majestic older buildings, those built with love and calloused hands many years past, designed to ensure generations of use, is the place that will eventually serve as the ultimate workplace.
The building, or space, would be of a quiet construction, allowing its interior to be brightly lit and festive at times, while at others, allowing a smoother, dimly lit ambiance to fill the building’s stony interior. Softly playing music, be it country, Christian, a little gospel playing and drifting up and through the rafters, wafting up from the wooden flooring, with voices of men and women singing together in harmony, would fill the air! The voices of a choir singing would fill the space, while at times, the many sounds, the many voices, of children would encapsulate the area and lead one further into the world of inspiration. The sounds of laughter, the sounds of crying, there would be no extremes of silence, no extremes of noise. The air conditioning or the heating would softly hum in the background, gently blowing its radiating breeze around the room. The logs in the fireplace are quietly crackling, their golden embers floating through the air like they are falling from the tips of butterfly wings into the flue. A few wooden tables were scattered around haphazardly, handmade or of store-boughten construction, with lit lamps standing and rising majestically from their wooden-grained tops. These lamps are formed of brass or copper, a light golden color, wooden lamps standing with shades of varying colors used to diffuse the harsh bulb’s directness and brightness. The glow from the indirect lighting emanating from the tops of the four walls is effortless on the eyes and color. This workspace would be a semi-private place that would cautiously allow people enough time for work, a sufficient period for play, and the time deemed necessary for silence and peacefulness.
There would be other Brothers and Sisters that fear the Lord and have accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior. In this place, there will be people who do not play games and do not think life is a game to be played. People who live by the Word and for the Word, living a life full of goodness, have genuine desires, hopes, and dreams. People who care about the thoughts and feelings of others. Those are not seeking the foolery of obtaining the rich man’s gold. Those that are simple, they understand. Believe in Love, God, and their country too! A place where people have found themselves, know who and what they are about, live a satisfying life, austere kinds of people. A place where responsibility still exists. Those who chose not to follow the path of darkness, places where people fear.
The view from this Ultimate workplace would be of a mountain stream, just a small creek, the waters running slowly, bubbling over the rocks that may have been embedded in the creek bottom for many years. There would be birds flying around, floating on the wind, tree-lined landscapes, leaves gently floating, quietly falling back to earth after a long season of growth, golden-brown colored, shades of greens and tans drifting through the chill of a southern town’s fall air. They end their journey laying nestled in piles, covering the roots of life at the bottom of the majestic trees from whence they came, the tree that brought life: Oak, famous, elm or pine, leaves of different shapes, configurations, colors.
The peacefulness and solitude, when needed, all point to a quaint little building in the small mid-western town: the beautiful scenery, the crispness of the air. The pet is sitting or lying gently next to the chair, looking at you with hungry eyes, wanting love and nothing more. Imagine the perfect lighting, the sounds, and the beauty to be found in a small town. The beauty of not only nature, the natural beauty, but the beauty of people, those of one mind and heart. Beautiful communication is possible with the living spirit of God. To some, it may be a dream, an unobtainable dream, however God-willing, and with a never-failing devotion and heartfelt prayers, these dreams will have no choice but to come true, will they come true. Many blessings people! Life is Good…
~Les Allan