Written By Lesallan – August 31, 2023

Unexpected:  The Unseen or the Foretold Blessings and Virtues?

Written By Lesallan – August 31, 2023

Have you ever experienced something unexpected in your life? Something that you didn’t see coming, or that you didn’t plan for, or that you didn’t even know was possible? Maybe it was a surprise gift, a chance encounter, a new opportunity, or a sudden change of circumstances. Maybe it was something that made you happy, or sad, or angry, or grateful. Maybe it was something that challenged you, or inspired you, or taught you something new.

Whatever it was, how did you react to it? Did you embrace it, or resist it? Did you welcome it, or fear it? Did you see it as a blessing or a curse? Did you see it as a sign of fate or a coincidence?

In this blog post, I want to explore the idea of unexpected events in our lives, and how they can be seen as either the unseen or the foretold blessings and virtues. What do I mean by that? Well, let me explain.

The unseen blessings and virtues are those that we don’t recognize or appreciate until they happen. They are the hidden gifts that we discover along the way, the silver linings that we find in the clouds, the lessons that we learn from the hardships. They are the things that make us grow, change, and evolve as human beings. They are the things that make us more compassionate, resilient, and wise.

The foretold blessings and virtues are those that we already know or expect to happen. They are the dreams that we pursue, the goals that we achieve, the rewards that we receive. They are the things that we work hard for, pray for, and hope for. They are the things that make us happy, fulfilled, and successful. They are the things that make us more confident, proud, and satisfied.

Both types of blessings and virtues are important and valuable in our lives. They both contribute to our well-being and happiness. They both shape our character and destiny. They both reflect our choices and actions.

But sometimes, we tend to focus more on one type than the other. Sometimes, we take the unseen blessings and virtues for granted, and forget to be thankful for them. Sometimes, we become obsessed with the foretold blessings and virtues, and neglect to enjoy them. Sometimes, we miss the balance between the two.

That’s why I think it’s important to be mindful of both types of blessings and virtues in our lives. To be aware of them, to appreciate them, to celebrate them. To see them as opportunities, not obstacles. To see them as gifts, not burdens. To see them as expressions of love, not luck.

So next time something unexpected happens in your life, don’t panic or complain. Don’t ignore or deny it. Don’t judge or resist it. Instead, ask yourself: Is this an unseen blessing or virtue? Is this a foretold blessing or virtue? How can I make the most of it? How can I learn from it? How can I share it?

You might be surprised by what you find out.

Written By Lesallan – August 31, 2023