Written By Lesallan – July 23, 2023

What does a single guy do when male friends are unavailable on a Sunday night?

Hey, what’s up, guys? It’s your boy Lesallan, and I’m back with another blog post. Today, I want to share with you some of the things that I do when I’m feeling lonely and bored on a Sunday night. You know how it is, right? All your buddies are busy with their girlfriends, families, or work. And you’re just sitting there, scrolling through social media, watching Netflix, or listening to music. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but sometimes you just want to spice things up a bit and have some fun.

So, what do I do when I’m in that situation? Well, here are some of the options that I usually consider:

– Go out and meet new people. This might sound scary or intimidating, but trust me, it’s not. There are plenty of places where you can go and mingle with other singles who are looking for some company. You can check out a local bar, a club, a coffee shop, a bookstore, or even a park. Just be friendly, confident, and open-minded. You never know who you might bump into or what kind of conversation you might have.

– Learn something new. Another way to spend your time productively and creatively is to learn something new. Maybe there is a skill that you’ve always wanted to master, a hobby that you’ve always wanted to try, or a topic that you’ve always wanted to explore. You can find online courses, tutorials, podcasts, books, or videos that can teach you anything you want. You can also join online communities or forums to interact with other learners and experts.

– Treat yourself. Sometimes, the best thing to do when feeling down is to pamper yourself. You deserve it, after all. You work hard, you play hard, and you need some time to relax and recharge. You can order your favorite food, buy something nice, watch a movie that makes you laugh or cry, listen to music that lifts your mood, or take a long bath or shower. Whatever makes you happy and comfortable.

– Call someone who cares. Finally, you can always reach out to someone who cares about you and who can make you feel less alone. Maybe it’s your mom, dad, sibling, cousin, best friend from childhood or mentor. Whoever it is, just give them a call and have a chat. You can talk about anything: how your day went, what’s going on in your life, what’s bothering you, what’s making you happy. You can also ask them how they are doing and show them some love and support.

So there you have it: some things I do when I’m feeling lonely and bored on a Sunday night. Of course, these are not the only options. You can also do whatever suits your personality and preferences. The important thing is to not let yourself feel sad or hopeless. Remember that you are not alone and that there are many ways to enjoy life as a single guy.

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