Written By Lesallan – July 27, 2023

Hey, what’s up, everyone? Welcome back to my blog, where I share my thoughts on anything and everything. Today, I want to talk about a big question that has been on my mind lately: what makes the world go around today? Is it love, money, or God?

You might think this is a silly question, or maybe a philosophical one, but I think it’s actually very relevant to our lives. Think about it: what motivates you to get up in the morning, to work hard, to pursue your dreams, to care for others, to be happy? What is the ultimate goal of your existence? What is the meaning of life?

Some people might say that love is the answer. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, they say. Love makes us human, connects us to each other, and gives us joy and peace. We all need and want love and what we should give and receive. Love is the reason why we are here.

Others might say that money is the answer. Money is what makes the world go around, they say. Money is what enables us to survive, to thrive, to have freedom and security, to have fun and comfort. Money is what we all work for and spend on, and what we should save and invest. Money is the measure of our success and value.

And then there are those who might say that God is the answer. God is the creator and ruler of the universe, they say. God is what gives us life, purpose, guidance, hope, and salvation. God is what we all believe in and worship, and what we should obey and serve. God is the source of our morality and wisdom.

So, who is right? Which one of these three things makes the world go around today? Is it love, money, or God?

Well, I don’t have a definitive answer for you, because I think it depends on your perspective and experience. But I do have an opinion, and I will share it with you.

In my opinion, none of these three things alone can make the world go around today. They are all important and valuable in their own ways, but they are also limited and flawed in other ways. Let me explain.

Love is wonderful, but it can also be painful and complicated. Love can make us happy, but it can also make us sad. Love can bring us together, but it can also tear us apart. Love can inspire us, but it can also blind us. Love can heal us, but it can also hurt us.

Money is useful, but it can also be harmful and addictive. Money can enable us to do many things but also prevent us from doing other things. Money can provide us with many benefits but also cause us many problems. Money can make us rich, but it can also make us poor. Money can empower us, but it can also enslave us.

God is mysterious, but he can also be controversial and divisive. God can give us many blessings but also allow many sufferings. God can reveal himself to us in many ways, but he can also hide himself from us in other ways. God can love us unconditionally, but he can also judge us harshly. God can save us eternally, but he can also condemn us forever.

So you see, love, money and God are not perfect solutions to make the world go around today. They are not enough by themselves to satisfy our needs and wants, to fulfill our goals and dreams, to give our lives meaning and direction.

That’s why I think we need something more than love, money or God to make the world go around today. We need something that combines the best aspects of these three things without their worst aspects. We need something that transcends these three things without negating them.

We need wisdom.

Wisdom is the ability to see things as they are and as they should be. Wisdom is the ability to choose the right thing at the right time for the right reason. Wisdom is the ability to balance different values and interests without compromising them. Wisdom is the ability to learn from the past without living in it; to live in the present without being distracted by it; to plan for the future without being obsessed by it.

Wisdom is what makes love more than a feeling; money more than a tool; God more than a concept.

Wisdom is what makes love more meaningful; money more beneficial; God more personal.

Wisdom is what makes love more lasting; money more satisfying; God more real.

Wisdom is what makes love more loving; money more generous; God more gracious.

Wisdom is what makes love more divine; money more human; God more accessible.

Wisdom is what makes love more powerful; money more useful; God more glorious.

Wisdom is what makes love more than love; money more than money; God more than God.

Wisdom is what makes the world go around today.

That’s my opinion, anyway. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with me? Do you have a different answer to the question? Let me know in the comments below. And don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to my blog for more awesome content. Thanks for reading, and until next time, stay wise!

Many Blessings!

Les Allan