What the Bible Says About Pondering Life

Written by Lesallan – December 29, 2023

One verse about pondering life is: ” But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19, KJV). This verse is part of the story of the birth of Jesus when the shepherds came to see him and praised God for what they had seen and heard. Mary, the mother of Jesus, kept all these things in her mind and thought about them deeply.

Another verse is Proverbs 4:26: “Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established” (Proverbs 4:26, KJV). This verse is part of the wisdom of Solomon, who advises his son to be careful and diligent in his actions and decisions. He urges him to think carefully about his life and where he is going so that he can avoid evil and follow God’s will.

These verses show us that pondering life is a natural and spiritual human activity. God wants us to reflect on his works and words and apply them to our lives. He wants us to examine our hearts and paths and seek his guidance and direction. He wants us to learn from our experiences and grow in our faith.

Nevertheless, how can we ponder life in a busy and noisy world? How can we find time and space to meditate on God’s truth and love? Here are some practical tips to help you ponder life more often and more deeply:

Set aside a regular time for prayer and Bible reading. This prayer and Bible reading time is essential to ponder life as you communicate with God and listen to his voice. You can use a devotional book, a Bible reading plan, or a journal to help you focus and record your thoughts.

Find a quiet place where you can be alone with God. It could be your bedroom, your backyard, or a park. It could be early morning, during your lunch break, or before bed. The important thing is to eliminate distractions and interruptions as much as possible.

Use music, art, or nature to inspire you. Sometimes, words cannot express or capture what we feel or think. You can use songs, paintings, or photographs that speak to you or reflect your mood. You can also admire God’s creation and marvel at his wisdom and power.

Share your thoughts with someone you trust. Pondering life does not mean isolating yourself from others. It can enrich your relationships and conversations. You can find a friend, a family member, or a mentor who can listen to you and offer feedback. You can also join a small group or a Bible study where you can discuss and learn from others.

Write down your insights and questions. Pondering life can lead you to discover new things about yourself, God, and the world. It can also raise new doubts and challenges. You can use a notebook, blog, or social media platform to record and share your reflections with others. You can also use them as reminders or prompts for further pondering.

Pondering life is not a waste of time or a sign of weakness. It is a valuable and rewarding practice that can deepen your relationship with God and yourself. It can also help you make better choices and live more fully. So do not hesitate to ponder life whenever you can. You might be surprised by what you find.

I hope these Biblical verses and what I have written are helpful to you. You can ask me again if you want to find more verses about a different topic.

Have a blessed day! 🙏

~Lesallan – December 29, 2023