Written By Lesallan – September 9, 2023

Why are True Friends so Hard to Come by In the Year 2023?
Written By Lesallan – September 9, 2023
This is a question that I have been asking myself a lot lately. I’m sure many of you can relate to the feeling of loneliness and isolation that has become so common in our modern society. Especially after the pandemic, social distancing, and lockdowns that have disrupted our normal ways of connecting with others.
I don’t know about you, but I miss the days when I could just hang out with my friends, laugh, hug, and feel like I belong. Nowadays, it seems like everyone is too busy, too stressed, or too distracted to invest in meaningful relationships. People are more interested in their phones, their careers, or their hobbies than in each other.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that these things are bad. They are important aspects of our lives and we should enjoy them. But they should not replace the human need for intimacy, trust, and support that only true friends can provide.
So, what is a true friend anyway? How do we define it in 2023? Well, for me, a true friend is someone who:
– Accepts me for who I am, without judging or trying to change me
– Listens to me with empathy and compassion, without interrupting or giving unsolicited advice
– Supports me in my goals and dreams, without competing or undermining me
– Challenges me to grow and improve, without criticizing or belittling me
– Celebrates my successes and comforts me in my failures, without envy or pity
– Respects my boundaries and preferences, without imposing or manipulating me
– Shares my values and interests, without forcing or boring me
– Makes time for me and shows up for me, without excuses or cancellations
Sounds simple, right? But how many people in your life can you say meet these criteria? How many people do you meet these criteria for? If you’re like me, the answer is not many.
So why is it so hard to find and keep true friends in 2023? Well, I think there are several factors that contribute to this problem. Here are some of them:
– Technology: While technology has made it easier to communicate and stay in touch with people across the world, it has also made it harder to form deep and lasting bonds with them. We tend to rely on superficial and impersonal modes of interaction, such as texting, social media, or video calls, instead of face-to-face conversations. We also tend to have shorter attention spans and lower levels of empathy due to technology’s constant bombardment of information and stimuli. We lose the ability to read body language, tone of voice, and emotional cues that are essential for building trust and rapport with others.
– Individualism: While individualism has empowered us to pursue our goals and express our identities, it has also alienated us from each other. We tend to focus on ourselves and our own needs, rather than on the common good and the needs of others. We also tend to value independence and autonomy over interdependence and collaboration. We lose the sense of community and belonging that comes from sharing a common purpose and vision with others.
– Consumerism: While consumerism has given us access to a variety of goods and services that enhance our lives, it has also made us more materialistic and dissatisfied. We tend to measure our worth and happiness by what we have, rather than by who we are. We also tend to compare ourselves with others and feel inadequate or envious if we don’t have what they have. We lose appreciation and gratitude for what we already have and for the people who matter most to us.
– Competition: While competition has motivated us to work harder and achieve more, it has also made us more stressed and anxious. We tend to view others as rivals or threats, rather than as allies or partners. We also tend to put pressure on ourselves and others to perform well and meet high expectations. We lose the joy and fun of learning and growing with others.
But there is hope. There is a way to overcome these challenges and find true friends in 2023. And that way is through the Bible.
The Bible is the ultimate guide for friendship. It teaches us what true friendship looks like, how to cultivate it, and how to enjoy it. It also shows us the best example of a true friend: Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the friend who loves us unconditionally, who knows us intimately, who cares for us deeply, who helps us faithfully, who corrects us gently, who forgives us freely, who encourages us constantly, who inspires us immensely, who sacrifices for us willingly, who lives in us powerfully.
Jesus said: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) He proved his love by dying on the cross for our sins so that we can be reconciled with God and have eternal life. He also said: “I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15). He revealed his friendship by sharing his wisdom and his will with us so that we can know God and follow him.
Jesus invites us to be his friends. He says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). He offers us his friendship by giving us his grace and his peace so that we can rest in him and rely on him.
Jesus also instructs us to be his friends. He says: “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12). He commands us to show his friendship by loving others as he has loved us so that we can reflect on him and glorify him.
If we want to find true friends in 2023, we need to look to Jesus. He is the source, the model, and the goal of true friendship. He is the friend who never fails, never leaves, never disappoints. He is the friend who always understands, always supports and always blesses. He is the friend who makes us better, happier, and holier.
So let’s seek him, follow him, and love him. Let’s also seek, follow, and love those who seek, follow, and love him. Let’s be true friends to each other in 2023.
That’s how we can overcome loneliness and isolation. That’s how we can find joy and fulfillment. That’s how we can honor God and serve others.
That’s what the Bible says about true friends and Jesus’ teachings.

Written By Lesallan – September 10, 2023