Written By LesAllan – July 6, 2023


Why is Privacy such a Concern Today?

Having control over what information about ourselves we choose to share with others and how it is utilized is what defines Privacy. It is essential to our lives as it safeguards our personal data, identity, reputation, relationships, and freedom.

In today’s digital world, Privacy is becoming more difficult to maintain. We constantly generate data through online activities, such as browsing, shopping, socializing, and working. This data can reveal much about us, such as our preferences, habits, opinions, beliefs, health, location, etc. This data can also be collected, stored, analyzed, and shared by various entities, such as companies, governments, hackers, criminals, and others hoping to use it for personal gain. These entities may use our data for purposes we may not agree with or consent to, such as advertising, profiling, surveillance, fraud, identity theft, blackmail, or manipulating the heart or mind.

Privacy is an absolute concern today as it directly impacts our security, dignity, autonomy, and democracy. We must remain vigilant of the risks and challenges of living in the digital age and take proactive measures to safeguard our Privacy. These measures include encryption, VPNs, passwords, ad blockers, privacy settings, and secure platforms. Additionally, we must demand complete transparency and accountability from the entities that collect and utilize our data and advocate for more comprehensive laws and regulations that protect our privacy rights.

So, what does the Bible say about Privacy and those that use the information they may have collected?

The gift of Privacy is truly invaluable. It allows us to cultivate a deep and personal relationship with our Creator, to bask in His presence, and to share our innermost thoughts and emotions with Him. Moreover, Privacy empowers us to establish healthy boundaries with others, safeguard our dignity and integrity, and shield ourselves from needless exposure and harm.

However, in our modern world, Privacy is increasingly threatened by various surveillance, data collection, and manipulation techniques. Many people, organizations, and governments are eager to obtain and use our personal information for their purposes, sometimes without our consent or knowledge. They may use it to influence our behavior, sell products or services, monitor our activities, or harm us.

What does the Bible say about this issue? How should we, as Christians, view and respond to the challenges of Privacy in the digital age? Here are some biblical principles that can guide us:

  • God is the ultimate owner of all information. He knows everything about us, even the secrets of our hearts (Psalm 139:1-4). He also has authority over all creation, including the data we generate and store (Psalm 24:1). Therefore, we should acknowledge His sovereignty and wisdom in handling and sharing our information. We should also seek His guidance and protection in our decisions and actions regarding Privacy.
  • We are accountable to God for how we use information. God expects us to be faithful stewards of the resources He has entrusted us, including our personal information (Luke 16:10-12). He also commands us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). Therefore, we should use the information to honor God and benefit others. We should also avoid using information to dishonor God or harm others.
  • We are called to respect the Privacy of others. The Bible teaches us to treat others as we want to be treated (Matthew 7:12). It also warns us against gossiping, slandering, or lying about others (Proverbs 16:28; Ephesians 4:25). Therefore, we should respect the Privacy of others and not invade or violate it without their permission or a valid reason. We should also protect the Privacy of others and not disclose or misuse their information without their consent or a legitimate purpose.
  • We are entitled to seek and enjoy Privacy. The Bible shows us that Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray and rest (Luke 5:16). It also instructs us to guard our hearts against the influences of the world (Proverbs 4:23; Romans 12:2). Therefore, we have the right and the need to seek and enjoy Privacy in our relationship with God and ourselves. We also have the freedom and the responsibility to choose what information we share and with whom we share it.

Acknowledging that Privacy is a fundamental concept reflecting God’s character and design is imperative. It is not a matter to be taken for granted or neglected but rather one that must be revered and safeguarded. Moreover, it is crucial to recognize the significance of respecting and upholding the Privacy of others. In these times when Privacy is constantly being challenged and compromised, it is incumbent upon us to heed the guidance of the Bible and adhere to its principles in our daily lives.

Written By Lesallan – July 6, 2023

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