Written By Les Allan

Why People Deny the Truth
I am curious about why individuals may reject the truth, even when it is supported by scientific evidence or logical arguments. One such reason could be psychological defense, where people use denial to cope with anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, or other unpleasant emotions that may arise from accepting the truth. This allows them to avoid confronting the reality that challenges their beliefs, values, or self-image.
There are various reasons why some individuals may struggle to accept the truth. One such reason is due to cognitive bias. This bias can affect a person’s perception and judgment of the truth using mental shortcuts or distortions. For example, they may only pay attention to information confirming their current views and disregard anything that contradicts them, which is known as confirmation bias.
Another reason individuals may reject the truth is due to social influence. Some people may feel pressured to conform to their peers’ or leaders’ opinions, expectations, or values. They may be afraid of being ostracized or attacked if they deviate from the accepted norms of their communities.
Lastly, some individuals may reject the truth due to their strong attachment to a certain worldview or ideology. This attachment can shape their understanding of the truth and make them view it as relative or subjective. They may also reject evidence or argument challenging their core convictions or interests.
These factors may lead people to reject the truth, but not all who disagree are rational. There may be legitimate doubts or criticisms, but refusing to engage with the truth honestly, open-mindedly, and respectfully is a missed opportunity for learning, growth, and dialogue.
People with a Christian worldview may have different opinions on how to respond to people who reject the truth, but they would affirm that:
- God is the source of truth: Christians believe that God is the creator and sustainer of all things and has revealed Himself and His will through his word, the Bible. They also believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the embodiment of truth, who came to earth to save sinners and to testify to the truth.
- Truth is absolute and objective: Christians believe that truth is not relative, subjective, or flexible, but rather it is fixed, universal, and authoritative. They believe truth corresponds to reality and can be known and communicated through reason, evidence, and revelation.
- Truth is essential for salvation and sanctification: Christians believe that truth is not only a matter of intellectual curiosity or personal preference but also eternal destiny and spiritual growth. They believe that only by believing and obeying the truth of the gospel can one be saved from sin and death, and only by abiding in the truth of God’s word can one be transformed into the image of Christ.
- Truth is under attack by the enemy: Christians believe that truth is not welcomed or accepted by everyone, but rather it is opposed and rejected by many. They believe there is a spiritual war between God and Satan, the father of lies and the deceiver of the world. They also believe that many false teachers, false prophets, false religions, and false worldviews distort or deny the truth.
- Truth must be defended and proclaimed by the church: Christians believe that truth is not something to be hidden or compromised but rather something to be cherished and shared. They believe they have a responsibility and a privilege to uphold the truth in love, contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints, expose the works of darkness, and make disciples of all nations.
It is important to recognize that Christians may have different approaches when interacting with those with different views. Some may extend compassion and understanding, while others may take a more direct and confrontational approach. It is up to everyone to choose how they want to navigate these situations. Regardless of their approach, Christians strive to uphold their values of respect, courage, and faith.

What do you think? Do you agree with these reasons and beliefs? Do you have any other questions or comments, insights, or experiences to share about this topic? I would love to hear your thoughts. I would love to hear your views and opinions on “the church” in the world today. 😊
Written By Les Allan – 07/03/2023.