Written By Lesallan a student at Ohio Christian University – August 29, 2023

On August 29, 2023, Lesallan, a student at Ohio Christian University, wrote about the women of faith and the men connected to them as found in the Book of Luke (ESV):
Good Afternoon All!
This is a post about women of faith and the faith of the men connected to these women as found in the Book of Luke (ESV):
It is clear that another student has directed my attention and insights toward the passage in Luke 1:39-56 (ESV) and the role of women in this story. Your insights have prompted me (Lesallan) to ponder the extent of the faith Joseph and Zechariah held compared to these two women who possessed such a remarkable amount of it.
The Book of Luke (ESV) highlights the contrasting responses of Zechariah and Joseph to news of miraculous births despite both having faith. When the angel Gabriel tells Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth will bear a son and he should name him John (Luke 1:13, ESV), Zechariah doubts and asks for a sign stating that he and his wife are old (Luke 1:18, ESV). The angel (Gabriel) silences him until John’s birth (Luke 1:20, ESV). This difference in response indicates that Zechariah did not possess the same unwavering faith as Mary or Elizabeth.
Upon being informed by the angel Gabriel of her forthcoming conception of Jesus, Mary inquires, “How can this be, as I have never been with a man?” (Luke 1:34, ESV). The angel clarifies by explaining that the Spirit will envelop her (Luke 1:35, ESV).
In Matthew 1:18-25 (ESV), Joseph’s unwavering faith shines through when he discovers that Mary is expecting and chooses to divorce her discreetly. Nevertheless, when an angel appears to him in a dream and reveals that the Holy Spirit conceives the child, Joseph takes Mary as his promised wife and names the child Jesus. Joseph’s steadfast faith sets him apart from Zechariah, who has doubts, as he listens to the angel’s guidance without hesitation.
Luke’s Gospel (ESV) features four individuals – Zechariah, Joseph, Mary, and Elizabeth – who all displayed faith when faced with news of miraculous births. However, each of them had a unique response. Zechariah requested a sign; Mary sought an explanation; Joseph initially intended to divorce Mary until an angel appeared to him in a dream, and Mary’s greeting so moved Elizabeth that she called out, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” (Luke 1:42 ESV). Elizabeth did this and called out while she was filled with the Holy Spirit.
The account of God’s selection of Mary and Elizabeth for the miraculous blessings bestowed upon them through His angel is truly powerful. Their pivotal roles in the births of Jesus and John the Baptist cannot be overstated. Despite the societal bias against women during that era, it is clear that their divine calling had been blessed, as you have noted.
I enjoyed reading all the insights that have been shared thus far. I felt compelled to comment on the insights you [another student] shared in the above paragraphs. Many blessings to all as I continue learning more about the Gospel of Luke.
Written By Lesallan – August 29, 2023